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Rice paper plant
By Tommymoo
- 15 May, 2012
10 May 2012
Comments on this photo
Huge, insn't it!
Thank you Sticki!
15 May, 2012
15 May, 2012
15 May, 2012
Very nice.....
16 May, 2012
Ta Moti!
17 May, 2012
Will this survive the winter ? it is beautiful and I just bought one
18 Jun, 2012
I'm so happy it survived after having experienced minus 17 degrees (c) in Feb this year.
20 Jun, 2012
oh brilliant - thank you :)))))))))))
20 Jun, 2012
Tetrapanax rex :D I really want one of these, but my budget won't allow me to buy the size I want, I don't suppose you know how fast a small plant would grow in a season?
3 Feb, 2014
Hi Sharon,
I bought a tiny plant in June 2010. You can see how mine grew:
Right after I planted it out (29 June 2010):
2 months and a bit later (9 Sep 2010):
1.4 years later (21 Oct 2011):
3 Feb, 2014
Thanks for the links. Wow, definitely a fast growth rate and im guessing its a heavy feeder/water. We bought a gunnera last year, at this rate I'll have no garden left lol
3 Feb, 2014
Photo 16 of 42
What else?
See who else is growing Tetrapanax papyrifer (Rice paper plant) "Rex".
See who else has plants in genus Tetrapanax.
This photo is of "Rice paper plant" in Tommymoo's garden
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26 Feb, 2012
thats beautiful
15 May, 2012