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Tillandsia lindenii
By Meanie

11 Sep, 2010
Another photo from the Eden Project.
Comments on this photo
They're quite freely available here, and I must admit that I quite fancy mounting one. Not too sure as to what would be the best timber though.
13 Sep, 2010
They grow on practically any type of wood.
14 Sep, 2010
Wow, what a colour!!!
14 Sep, 2010
Pip - the pink of the flower bracts against the blue flowers is certainly an odd combo!
Delonix - does the wood need to be "live", or would an offcut work?
14 Sep, 2010
They can be hung on anything. I used to hang my Tillandsias on the cable wire running into the house - when I lived in the San Francisco Bay Area.
15 Sep, 2010
Thanks Delonix - I have a scratching post wrapped in rope that my cat had no interest in at all for a mount then. Do I just mist the roots to water it?
15 Sep, 2010
Most of the time Tillandsias don't have roots. They are air plants. They do need misting.
16 Sep, 2010
Thanks Delonix.
16 Sep, 2010
Meanie, you're welcome.
16 Sep, 2010
Pink Quill. I've got one of these, it hasn't bloomed for me at my new place yet. Mine is mounted on a piece of old fenceboard. I stapled a pocket of screen to the board and then hot glued peat moss to the screen. Drilled 2 holes through the fenceboard and threaded wire through for a hanger.
18 Sep, 2010
I'm sure it will when good and ready though.
18 Sep, 2010
Many time Tillandsias are sold hot glued on to driftwood.
18 Sep, 2010
Photo 1 of 7
What else?
See who else is growing Tillandsia cyanea (Pink Quill).
See who else has plants in genus Tillandsia.
This photo was taken at Eden Project - Rainforest .
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This is the start of the Tillandsia blooming season. I saw several species last week at the San Diego Zoo just starting to bloom. They are very hardy and easy to grow.
13 Sep, 2010