The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Grannyfranny's Profile



About me

I have a reasonbly large garden surrounding our bungalow on all sides....only I know the difference between a plant and a weed, so hubby just looks after the grass (but not the bits that grow in MY garden)! I'm on the top of a Down, so extremely exposed - have lost lots of plants since moved in from wind burn or being blown to bits, even with staking!!!! I'm not in to making my garden look a Design, I only have plants that I love right across the spectrum and vegetables we like to eat! We also have regular visits from Moles, especially when I have just planted up a new bed ready for summer!!!!!!

Latest photos

  • A garden flower photo

Latest questions

which eleagnus has the most fragrant flowers?

Asked on 28 May, 2009 1 reply

What else

Joined in May 2009

Country: United Kingdom

County: East Wiltshire