Disaster folks, my beetroot has died!!arrh well!! it was an experiment that didn’t work. What I have done is planted some more seeds but this time in a grow bag and alot deeper than the banana box so hopefully they should have a better chance.
I will of course keep you informed.
27 Jul, 2011
Previous post: GARDENERS WORLD
I know, devastating isn't it I'm gutted, but I'm not giving up and I've planted some more seeds in one of those deep grow bags so they should have a better chance of growing. It was an experiment when I tried growing them in a banana box, the rest of my veg is doing very well so fingers crossed.
Being disabled, this way of growing veg is just what the doctor ordered as I don't have to bend alot.
27 Jul, 2011
Ah, better to have tried and failed than not tried at all.
27 Jul, 2011
Hi, Yes I totally agree with you, the best thing is I am enjoying every bit of it and I think its great when you are able to enjoy the fruits of your labour.
27 Jul, 2011
I garden for my elderly Mum, and she scattered half a packet of Beetroot seeds amongst the flower borders. So far, a whole one Beetroot plant has popped up! Pleased you are enjoying your vegetable growing ... : o )
27 Jul, 2011
I`ve been reading your blogs Duncan and apart from your beetroot the rest all seems to be doing well, I saw the pic and the beets were doing alright at first but I know from past experience how these things can happen in ones garden.
I like your "won`t let it beat me attitude" thats a good one to have especially with our weird weather this year, if your patio garden is as mixed up as my garden then I`d say try anything you have room for, at the moment I have spring, summer and autumn flowers all in bloom at the same time, they don`t know whether they are coming or going.
Keep up the good work and long may you enjoy it.
I nearly forgot to say, I do like your greenhouse, its just the job for your space....
27 Jul, 2011
Hi to you all, I can only thank you for the supporting comments and I am glad you like the greenhouse-cloche, it was bought for me by my eldest daughter and I thought it was an average size one to fit the patio. It was only when I unpacked it the size hit me, 20ft long
!!ouch!! nearly the full length of the patio, but I must admit its a brilliant piece of kit and I'm putting it to good use. I grew some iceberg lettuce in there and what a fantastic crop I had, it tasted sweet and the leaves were crisp and beautiful to eat.
At present I have some red and green peppers growing nicely in there and some cherry tomato plants which have just started flowering, red onions, spring onions and some border plants for my wife !!oh!! and beetroot.
If like me you haven't the money to afford a proper greenhouse then this is perfect for less than £50.
I also have a cold frame which was bought for me by my youngest daughter and that was less than £50 a real bargain.
Thanks again
28 Jul, 2011
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- lots and lots of tomatoes
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- lots and lots of tomatoes
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Sorry to hear that better luck this time.
27 Jul, 2011