My little chillies!
I only recently got into gardening. One of the main reasons being that I bought my Father a chilli groing kit for his birthday (he’s into spicyness!) last November. In March this year he finally planted the 3 different types of seed in little terracotta pots on the window sill. I had forgotten all about them until I moved home to find the tiny little green shoots appearing. From this point on my Dad lost interest and left them to dry up so I occasionally watered them when passing the kitchen window. After a few weeks I was hooked! I found it terribly exciting to come down each morning to a little more growth. So I started looking online at how to care for them. Anyway 4 months later they are now 12cm’s tall on average and I am completely attached to my sweet little chillies. I can’t even bring myself to get rid of the non-growers so my patio is covered in pots of chilli plants! I will be oh so gutted if they don’t produce fruit and even more so if any of them die! I feed them a tomato feed every week and water them every other day, and every 3 weeks they need repotting. It’s becoming a chilli factory!
So here’s a picture and if anyone has any tips for me to get them fruitting in time for the end of the summer let me know :-)
1 Aug, 2011
A nice warm sunny spot is what they like and not too wet. My chillies are about 12inches tall and are just bearing little white flowers. I'm not sure which variety as I have lost the packet.
If they are not quite ripe I shall bring them in and keep them on a warm sunny windowsill.
there are hundreds of varieties to grow if you get really hooked.
1 Aug, 2011
Ive grown them for the first time too, I cheated tho, i bought them as small seedlings, they are in the unheated greenhouse, I feed them once a week with miraclegrow, same as all my other plants and they have all fruited, There's 2 green, 2 yellow and 2 red, the red has smaller fruits,growing daily, the others have 3/4" fruits, Yay..only thing i do is keep an eye out for green/blackfly, and water every day, as they dry out quickly in the greenhouse..
welcome to Goy, I hope you stay hooked on plants, its a whole new world :)
1 Aug, 2011
Thanks guys!
I'm pretty addicted to this site at the moment.
I will let you know how I get on with the chillies as I don't have a green house so pray for sun :)
1 Aug, 2011
Ah Greenfinger, there is no cure for Goyer blogging addiction.
You'll find yourself on Yorkshire's recipe blog before long. I am having to resist this as baking and cooking are my other passion.
Goodness knows, it's costing a fortune in plants without buying eggs, butter, flour & various other items for baking.
then there'll be dinner parties, no don't get me started.
Don't worry about the greenhouse a warm window sill works just as well.
1 Aug, 2011
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What a lot you've got !
Well done on such a great display.
I've no knowledge of growing chillis, but there will be plenty of GoY members ready to help you :o)))
.. oh, and a big welcome to GoY :o))
1 Aug, 2011