By helenmartin
i have no idea y my photos uploaded several tmes…lol
10 May, 2012
Previous post: hanging basket
Next post: at last!
we all have these hic coughs at some point! You are not alone :)
10 May, 2012
It has a mind of its own Helen, I had a problem last night with comments disappearing then when I tried again it brought both comments up and would not allow me to delete any, there have been times when some of us have nearly thrown our laptops in frustration, lol....
10 May, 2012
Recent posts by helenmartin
- they must b shattered
19 May, 2012
- at last!
17 May, 2012
- hanging basket
10 May, 2012
- thanku
10 May, 2012
- new gardener
9 May, 2012
- bright light!!!
8 May, 2012
Grows on You acts very strangely sometimes. It often prints my comments a few times lol. One time it printed the same one 5 times :D
10 May, 2012