BBC Gardeners World
Well, bar 1 or 2 ‘specials,’ BBC Gardeners World is over for the year. What did anyone else think of it? Although I quite like Toby’s friendly,comfy personality, I learnt nothing (which is part of the reason I watched it), and was not enthralled to try something new. I was fairly annoyed by the ‘dumbing-down’ presentation to many of the items and Blue Peter approach to use of equipment. Don’t quite know what the intention of the programme is any more since the demise of Titch and Hamilton. And as for the cost of plants bought for Greenacre, it was pretty extravagant! I’ll probably tune in again next year, but I do wish the Beeb could find some ordinary down-to earth gardener who’s passionate about ordinary down-to-earth gardening!
7 Nov, 2009
Welcome to GoY, Honeysuckle14.
I've just read your profile.. Good luck next year in your battle against the slugs and snails !
A comment I have made on other blogs is that I have a pet theory
~ some of the BBC Gardeners' World team DO read GoY and our comments ~
so let's hope they will listen to yourself and to Grindle.!!! :o)
By the way, each week on my blog no. 21. I list the TV shows on the main channels which are of interest to gardeners and wildlife enthusiasts... If you make a comment on that blog, then updates will come up automatically on your home page.
8 Nov, 2009
Geoff Hamilton was inspir- sad to say Buckland is best watch wen do hooverring. Joe Swift I lik very much, but he need to get out more, as he no alot a bout litle. Titchmarsh is now mor conern with compare himsel to latest ,eeningles hybrid, but Carol Klein explipses all with her enthus. if ever ther wer a gardner who can put you in a muck pile at 6am just to see the mist, she is it. she is the onle woman i no who can smile her lips, roll her eyes, rake her head forward, an get smelly vison out of an old english rose. My godnes, and my TV has not evn got smellyvison!!!!!
8 Nov, 2009
I don't care if I miss gardener's world now. I don't bother to record it either. I don't mind Toby. He doesn't show off. But I like Carol Kline best. Also I think Roy Lancaster would be good on it as someone suggested in another blog. I liked Goffrey Smith but he's dead now.
8 Nov, 2009
I must confess I've stopped watching long ago - I try, catch the odd five minutes, no, no good, not keeping my attention. It comes to something when I'd rather be doing the washing up than watching a gardening programme, and I don't think its me that's changed!
8 Nov, 2009
Thanks to all who've responded to my feelings about GW - I'm glad it's not just me who feels patronised! Thanks Terratoonie for blog re TV gardening progs.
If, as you say the 'powers that be' do read some of these blogs, I've just watched dvd on Alnwick Gardens and thought Tom Petherick was a really good, informed presenter. Anyone else seen him presenting garden stuff?
Oh - - and more Chris Beardshaw please - I was so impressed with his judging knowledge at Chelsea (that's my story anyway!)
8 Nov, 2009
Thanks for your blog and agree with you...
8 Nov, 2009
oh yes- i forget chris beardshaw- first clas - also, who is that freend of joe swift that sumtime apeer? he is good to- canot memry him- was it clive, or clift? sumthin like that
9 Nov, 2009
Hi Derek....
there is a gardener/presenter called Cleve West...
is that the one you are trying to remember ?
9 Nov, 2009
TT i think thats who Derek is thinking of as Cleve West and Joe are really good friends.
9 Nov, 2009
Yes. Clarice.... and check Bscott's blog...
...confirm your bulbs date choice is DECEMBER..Lol. .xxx
9 Nov, 2009
ah yes Terratoonie- thankin you so much- i hav chwed me gums so much try to think name, i forgetto put flse teeth in- now i havto drink diner cos cnot chew-wat a releef.
yes, cleve west is praps one of best an well respect.
intrestin trio?
Cleve West heds up, Joe Swift gets down an dirty, an Carol Kline enthus;s overcompos tp romance in a delicat field of thalictrum.
oh my mine wander . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Zzzzzzzzz.z.z...z.....z.........z
9 Nov, 2009
Lol. Derek....
So glad my Cleve West information saved your gums from more chewing............
Those three TV gardeners would be quite a trio.... :o)
9 Nov, 2009
god news-it next day,an gnashas hav recover-had egs an bacon wiht stone bread an lots marm. big mug swet tee plus chees roll an thermos to go.
now, weer i put my glases?????????????
dont rekon i make the teem do you?
10 Nov, 2009
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quite right too. I wish the Beeb would actually take a good look at gardeners comments, and actually realise THIS IS NOT WHAT WE WANT. We want good all round gardening tips, talked to like we are adults and not still at junior school, and none of those stupid 30min makeovers, which never really work any way. For goodness sake BBC get your act together!!!!!!!!!!!
8 Nov, 2009