Succulents - Peperomia ferreyrae
Added on 24 Jan, 2014 | 1 photo
Named after Alejandro Huerta Ramón Ferreyra (1910 - 2005) Peruvian botanist
Native to tropical forests of P...
x Asparagus sprengeri
Added on 5 Jan, 2014 | 1 photo
Native to South Africa
Needs bright light.
Water thoroughly, allowing soil to dry out a little between wa...
x Streptocarpella saxorum
Added on 5 Jan, 2014 | 0 photos
This plant occurs in Kenya and Tanzania. It is found on rocks and cliff faces which are often exposed to the sun...
x Aeschynanthus marmoratus
Added on 5 Jan, 2014 | 1 photo
An epiphyte, native to tropical forests of Thailand and Malaysia.
Bright light
Porous soil
Even moisture, b...
Succulents - Beaucarnea recurvata
Added on 12 Dec, 2013 | 1 photo
Native to arid regions of Mexico.
It likes a bright warm position.
It grows very slowly.
Water very little in...