I bought this Hepatica last spring but it isn't doing well at all - just hasn't...
2 replies
15 Aug, 2024 Hywel
What has happened to this Iresine ?
4 replies
20 Jul, 2024 Hywel
I want Erythroniums and ordered some from Hayloft Nursery but they are rubbish -...
6 replies
15 Oct, 2023 Hywel
What is this called ?
3 replies
2 Sep, 2023 Hywel
Photos in blogs
8 Feb, 2022 Hywel
Plant identification please
7 replies
14 Dec, 2021 Hywel
Gloxinia .
11 Oct, 2021 Hywel
Shrub identification
30 Jun, 2021 Hywel
I've bought some dwarf wallflowers
24 Mar, 2021 Hywel
Does anyone know where I can get Exacum affine
8 replies
6 Dec, 2020 Hywel
I've bought a small Gaultheria to plant in a pot
25 Nov, 2020 Hywel
Can someone identify this Begonia variety please
14 Oct, 2020 Hywel
Any advice on what to do with this 'rescued' fern would be appreciated
27 Sep, 2020 Hywel
I've noticed small seedlings growing in this pot with a Cyclamen coum and I don't...
20 Sep, 2020 Hywel
Does anyone know where I can get seeds or plants of Exacum affine ?
3 Sep, 2020 Hywel
Can anyone identify these plants please
4 Aug, 2020 Hywel
I recently bought this Camelia which I planted in a pot but the branches are lanky...
31 Jul, 2020 Hywel
Is it too late to plant Gladiolus corms
14 Jul, 2020 Hywel
I have some Cyclamen coum in pots
29 May, 2020 Hywel
I have a dwarf lilac tree and I have cut it back very hard
28 May, 2020 Hywel
I've noticed these celery stems starting to root and sprout
16 May, 2020 Hywel
Is there a good rose variety to grow in a pot
12 May, 2020 Hywel
Can someone please identify these plants for my cousin ?
5 May, 2020 Hywel
My Liriope plants have become scruffy and have lots of discoloured leaves and dead...
8 Apr, 2020 Hywel
What should I do with this huge Penstemon
5 replies
27 Mar, 2020 Hywel
Is it possible to divide a large clump of Dierama
26 Mar, 2020 Hywel
Identification required please … lost label and poor memory
13 Dec, 2019 Hywel
Can someone identify this plant please
4 Jun, 2019 Hywel
Is this Lonicera pileata ?
2 May, 2019 Hywel
What is the white powder on the roots of this recently bought Mint
9 replies
15 Apr, 2019 Hywel
When is the best time to move raspberries
30 Jan, 2019 Hywel
14 Oct, 2018 Hywel
A friend found this growing on a sand dune
19 Aug, 2018 Hywel
Annoying ads …Does anyone know how I can stop seeing funeral ads ?
5 Aug, 2018 Hywel
I've seen blossom end rot on my Roma Tomato variety
29 Jul, 2018 Hywel
Dies a Skimmia in a pot need ericaceous compost
26 Jul, 2018 Hywel
My cat Bella has flattened some of my onions while having a nap
10 replies
15 Jun, 2018 Hywel
I noticed yesterday that my Hellibores have set lots of seedlings
13 Apr, 2018 Hywel
Is it possible to grow sweet potatoes like we grow the ordinary ones
12 replies
26 Feb, 2018 Hywel
I've found some small things like dots on the compost of an indoor plant
16 replies
15 Dec, 2017 Hywel
I have bought some Japanese onion sets to plant now but I am wondering where to plant...
7 Nov, 2017 Hywel
Can anyone identify this Heuchera please
29 Sep, 2017 Hywel
How can I prevent the lower leaves on my mums from shrivelling up and dying
18 Sep, 2017 Hywel
Can anyone identify this plant please
11 Sep, 2017 Hywel
I have this Hibiscus and it's gone overgrown and out if control
28 Aug, 2017 Hywel
Why do some of my tomato trusses have no fruit ?
11 replies
23 Aug, 2017 Hywel
I have lots of Carnation seedlings and they seem to be very leggy
6 Aug, 2017 Hywel
What causes this to happen to my Hemerocallis
9 Jul, 2017 Hywel
I have a beautiful Diarama and it's better than ever this year
17 Jun, 2017 Hywel
I have some Mums that are getting rather tall and don't have many branches
2 Jun, 2017 Hywel
17 Sep, 2016 Hywel
I have an oak tree in a pot and there are two galls on one of the branches
12 May, 2016 Hywel
Please can anyone give me some advice about growing beetroots in a tub or in the...
1 Feb, 2016 Hywel
Potatoes. Please can someone explain to me what is meant by 'first earlies'...
21 Jan, 2016 Hywel
Can anyone suggest why my Honeysuckle flowers are shrivelling up before they open...
2 Jul, 2015 Hywel
Does Rosemary require ericaceous compost ?
12 Jun, 2015 Hywel
Potatoes in pots
22 May, 2015 Hywel
Please does anyone know what I can do about a Crassula ovata
13 Feb, 2015 Hywel
When is the best time to plant King Edward seed potatoes in a big tub ?
13 replies
21 Jan, 2015 Hywel
Does an electric propagator take much electricity
27 Nov, 2014 Hywel
What compost do people find is the best to buy ?
14 replies
13 Aug, 2014 Hywel
Seed potatoes - should they be put somewhere light or somewhere dark
19 Feb, 2014 Hywel
Identification rtequired
16 Feb, 2013 Hywel
Dpes anyone know what this plant is called please
11 Jan, 2013 Hywel
Would onion sets do well in pots ?
4 Feb, 2011 Hywel
Valotta - Scarborough lilyDoes anyone know
3 Jan, 2011 Hywel
When and how do you prune a 5 ft Hibiscus in the garden Please
8 Apr, 2010 Hywel
I have tried to put a closer photo of the plant I was trying to identify a few days...
8 Mar, 2010 Hywel
Id needed please
15 replies
1 Mar, 2010 Hywel
Is it possible to grow rhubarb in a container
28 Jan, 2010 Hywel