By ickledigga
I’ve put a lot of thought into this since i joined GOY and i have decided that you can each take it in turns to come to my place for a week or two and share all you knowledge and expertise!! I’ll provide you in return with a gardening holiday, animal therapy and as much Bakewell Pudding, Lemon Merigue, Banoffi Pie etc as you can eat!! Who’s first??? hehehehe! wot an idea eh??
11 Apr, 2008
Previous post: *sunshine*
Next post: time out for good behaviour!
Me&Summer 2nd Pleased she wont chase just sniff alot lol;)
11 Apr, 2008
Sure sounds like a lot of fun. I was just thinking the other day as I was looking at all the photos that I would love to visit the UK. I love the style of gardening that you all have. There is a difference from the way we garden here in the USA.
12 Apr, 2008
A 'meet-up' what a brilliant idea kind of like a swap meet plenty to talk about and ideas to exchange although with all the talk no work would get done that's for sure! Hel.xxx.
12 Apr, 2008
Do any of you watch Jamie at home?? I like the idea of a resident expert like he's got who can guide me (and laugh at all the silly things i do!!) may aswell have all you guys as my experts! Hehe!! think of the fun we would have!!
12 Apr, 2008
Sounds like a lovely idea!!!. On a serious note it would be nice if we could organise a visit somewhere and we could all meet. Best wishes,
12 Apr, 2008
ickledigga that is such a lovely offer. your chicks wudnt be safe though cos i know i for one would want to take one home lol
12 Apr, 2008
why don't you all come along on glorious summers day i'll put on a BBQ and we can put the worlds to rights!! :)
12 Apr, 2008
Great idea can I light it please.
12 Apr, 2008
Ps that Summer in the picture with you Jacque? she looks pretty well trained to me.
13 Apr, 2008
Bonkersbon are you sure you can do it without setting our neighbourhood on fire???????????????
13 Apr, 2008
Depends how close are your neighbours? No need to worry if 1/2 mile away or more.
13 Apr, 2008
good good we'll be ok then!!
14 Apr, 2008
lol Bonkers that my Daughter Amber on my pic not my Dog Summer lol lol lol X
14 Apr, 2008
Recent posts by ickledigga
- hello my friends xx
12 Jan, 2009
- whats on the menu tonight?
16 Jun, 2008
- a swarm of bees!
8 Jun, 2008
- garden maintanence
2 Jun, 2008
- house visitor!
30 May, 2008
- kitchen garden
27 May, 2008
Great idea! Can I be first? But only if Henry can come too - and be warned - he chases cats and chickens... not sure about pigs as he has only met one when he was a puppy.,. You've gone off me coming, haven't you. :-(
11 Apr, 2008