camelia not flowered
By irene24
I have attached photo of my camelia it looks a bit sorry Im afraid ,It was planted facing south,east watered it and fed it last year yet no flowers ,moved into a pot as you can see and would like some suguestion of where to plant it and how please if you can help i would be great,
The yellow bit was facing out and the green side was towards the fence
28 Apr, 2013
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Its in earecatious compost and had the wright feed it was for camelias etc
28 Apr, 2013
It would probably be much happier in a North facing position,Irene..they much prefer a shadier area..and it would also be better back in the ground,if you have somewhere to put it..Although you have said you kept it well watered and fed,it would soon dry out in a pot..They need lots of water in the summer,as this is when the buds are formed ,even in a shady area....if your soil isn't acidic,... mine isn't either,but I filled the planting hole with Ericaceous compost,and top it up once a has always done ok..If you can't plant it out,have you got a shaded area where you could have your pot?..good luck,I hope it does better for you soon...
28 Apr, 2013
Thanks bloomer ill plant it in the ground in the wright compost
28 Apr, 2013
Yes, no morning sun and it's important that you water throughout the summer. The main cause of bud drop is drought the previous year.
Best feed to use is probably Sequestered Iron - available in sachets to mix with water.
Irene, I brought one back from almost complete death after getting covered in cement - it will just need tlc.
28 Apr, 2013
Your'e welcome Irene..and agree with Scottish..if possible avoiding morning sun,which burns the buds and flowers,if it's been frosty..mine have caught it a bit on the top ones..but all the others are fine..just posted a pic of mine..
I'm sure it will be ok:o)..
28 Apr, 2013
The only other place it can go is north/east but it will get early morning sun which wont be so bad ?our garden faces north east at the front and at the back its south east to west so we get the sun all day really
28 Apr, 2013
Thank you for this Irene, Bloomer and Scottish. I had one, and was upset it died. Well, gardeners can always help each other, and we can try again when the cost is available on the budget. Have written all these notes out to keep.
29 Apr, 2013
The reason that they don't like morning sun is that as they flower early in the spring the buds can get frozen bu the frosts, if they are allowed to thaw naturally (north or west facing for example) the buds can survive but rapid thawing by the sun will kill them.
We have one on alkaline clay soil, it faces west and is tucked in other shrubs, has an iron tonic and this year after last summers rain looks the best it has for years......
29 Apr, 2013
More notes taken !
29 Apr, 2013
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Do you have the right kind of soil for camellias Irene? It needs acidic soil to thrive, or to be planted in ericaceous compost if it's in a pot. Other than that I don't know why it's sick. Such a shame as it's quite a nice shrub other than the yellow leaves.
28 Apr, 2013