My broken panel in greenhouse!!
By jackie46
Hello I haven’t been on here for ages now the weather is getting better I’ve been outside more in the last few weeks anyway this morning I woke up looked out of my window and noticed a broken window in my greenhouse well as I was clearing up I found a potato in their one of my neighbours usually throw them at cats so he’s obsivoulsy missed and cracked a panel I know it’s an accident but he hasn’t even apologized to me yet.
I just wondered what other members would do would you confront them or wait for them to come to you?
7 Mar, 2009
Previous post: Toxic shrub
I agree with TT.
7 Mar, 2009
Hi Jackie, glad you are getting outside but sorry to hear about the glass. do you pass him on the path or over the hedge? if you do you could try 'joking' that he has to improve his aim next time! He might be totally unaware that he has done any damage. There is always a possibility that it wasnt the spud as Terratoonie says. Is he a good neighbour otherwise? if yes I would probably not take it anyf urther than mentioning it. if it happens again i'd probably go round and ask him to use a different method of scaring the cats.
7 Mar, 2009
Tricky one. Probably doesn't know about the damage as SeaburnG says. Talking of scaring cats. I was working in one of my customer's gardens ( I do garden maintenance) last autumn and I was miles away lost in my work (I was actually digging over her veg patch). All of a sudden, I was startled( I nearly had a heart attack) as a peircing/ screaching sound blasted out, followed by two cats running past me at the speed of light. When I looked round it was my customer's neighbour chasing after the cats with a gas canister horn type gadget. She obviously didn't know I was there and looked very embarrased as she crept back indoors!!!! Did make me laugh after I got over the shock. I'm not sure I particularly like that method of scaring cats either but at least it wouldn't damage the greenhouse!!!
7 Mar, 2009
It's dificult to know what to do isn't it. You don't want to start a quarel really. I think maybe I would just leave it but mention it to him if it happens again.
As already pointed out maybe he doesn't realise he caused any damage, and maybe it was something else that did it.
Mind you if I cought anyone throwing a potatoe at Blodyn I'd probably throw it back at them twice as hard. lol
It's nice to hear from you again after a long time :o)
8 Mar, 2009
Yes not quiet sure what I would do. Its not good to start a war with the neighbours. In saying that if I caught anyone throwing a pototo or anything else at my olley I would ############ Sorry can not type it as it is not very polite. But I would say I would start a war with them and say BRING IT ON. Donna
8 Mar, 2009
Now the more I've been thinking of this the more horrified I feel. Fancy throwing potatoes about without any thought for the damage. They could cause injury to the cats aswell. Very wrong !!.
I'd report him to the RSPCA. Maybe they could suggest to him better ways of deterring cats. It's wrong to inflict injury on an animal even if you don't like them.
Well I don't like birds - I have a phobia of them and I wish they didn't land in my garden. But I wouldn't harm them - they have a right to be here like everything else.
I'd better not catch anyone throwing things at Blodyn or any other animals ! - Yes I'd report him to the RSPCA. They may suggest better ways to him. You don't have to say who you are, and they wouldn't disclose your name anyway.
In that way he'd know people are being upset. It would be better for you and for the cats too.
I hope you can solve it.
8 Mar, 2009
I reckon he should at least apologise and pay for the glass! You have the evidence, after all. I would pluck up my courage and take the potato round to him and politely let him know that you are not amused by his behaviour!!
Also make it clear that there are other ways of dealing with cats than being cruel to them...
8 Mar, 2009
I would say that flinging potatoes about is not just dangerous for the cats but people too. What if you had been standing there when the potato came flying over the fence...Its almost as bad as throwing stones.
Even if the potato didn't cause the damage to the greenhouse, flying potatoes is not something that I would want going on around my house and my animals. Good grief!! What next??
8 Mar, 2009
Thanks for all your comments and the potoato was in my greenhouse as I was clearing up so I know it was the potato that caused the damage(sorry I should of made my self clearer).
Anyway yesturday as I was hanging the washing out he came up to me over the fence in the garden and said "What happened their" looking at the metal grid that I put over the hole in the greenhouse,I said Someone through a potato at the greenhouse I thought it was you scaring the cats away because I know you throw potatos at the cats because you told me once If I see a potato in the garden it was me,he said no apperently someone through a kiwi fruit and an orange at his greenhouse in the morning or overnight (I don't believe him but don't have no solid proof) so anyway he said when he goes to the local tip he will try and find a peice of glass or a bit of plastic to fix it I said okay I left it at that.
9 Mar, 2009
I still think you should report him to the RSPCA. He'll carry on doing it.
One could hit you next time like Gilli said, and it would really injure a cat aswell. - That's wrong ! He should be stopped now.
9 Mar, 2009
Well guess what my neighbour knocked on my door yesturday with 4 panels of glass for my greenhouse he got them for 25p each so now my greenhouse has been fixed and aslo I've managed to fix another 2 panels that were broken as well so he has done me a favour really!!
20 Mar, 2009
Oh well done Jackie.....I'm glad he took responsibility for his potato incident. And you got a bonus of extra fixing. Let's just hope no more potatoes come flying across the fence. :o)
20 Mar, 2009
glad he accepted the reponsibility and helped with the repairs. he will probably be more sensible from now on. fingers crossed.
20 Mar, 2009
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Hi. So sorry to hear about your greenhouse.
First thing to establish ~ Are you sure it was the potato caused the damage ? Deida51 has just uploaded a photo of her greenhouse with glass broken after the storms. Be sure the culprit was the neighbour's potato before you decide what to do next.
7 Mar, 2009