Bird Feeders .....
By jacque
Goodness they can bo so Expensive! I was in a Garden Centre at the Weekend & was looking at their Bird Tables/Bird Feeders/Bird Food ect ! How can shops charge as much as they do for such tiny items? Their made of the Thinest Woods ect & charge way 2 much.
All my Feeders on my Apple Tree are from a Family Run Gardening Shop which they do from their Bungalow, Of course my Bird Table is made from old wooden slates that my fella put 2 gether 4 me but it does the Job just as good as any £50 Bird Table!
Please b4 u go off &buy any of these expensive things 4 the Extra Winter Fuel our little Bird Friends will need have a go @ making or finding something thatl serve same purpose, You might surprise yourselfs ;D
17 Jul, 2008
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Go on youv 2 tell me now Bonkers How did u wrap it ? :)
17 Jul, 2008
with difficulty i would imagine lol
17 Jul, 2008
He wont tell Eileen id of luv2of seen it lol , i remember when Kane was very small we had to wrap a Noddy Car lol & it was`nt boxed lol :D
17 Jul, 2008
lmao, u managed it aye?
17 Jul, 2008
OMG yeah we did but the wheels burst through paper b4 Xmas day lol :D
17 Jul, 2008
Well imagine the scene ( I know its early in relation to your other blog ,Jacque ) as usual man is told not to worry doesnt matter what you get me etc knowing all along that life as I know would change dramatically if I took notice of that!
Anyway to keep logs for the fire dry I cover them with one of those builders bags large amounts of sand etc are delivered in.Had moved logs and put dovecote under it Jane had a well is that it face on when I asked her to get some logs for the fire.
Im in my dressing gown you go! She snapped I do it all year its christmas give me a day off says I - off she trots up the garden the air as blue as her little face ! She pulls angrily at the bag its caught on the top - she then has to lift it to see where then burst into tears , bless her.
17 Jul, 2008
Thats Such A lovely Story Bonkers X
17 Jul, 2008
awwwww bonkersbon, that was such a nice surprise for jane
17 Jul, 2008
Aye she'll do. She was crying cos she wanted a hen house.
17 Jul, 2008
LMAO o bonkers u do make me lol :D
17 Jul, 2008
Oh BB! not really? Poor Jane - I hope she knows when you're serious and when you're not, 'cos I sure don't!
17 Jul, 2008
No one does Spritz - the answer is would you take anyone seriously who admits to being 'bonkers'? Ps I am not being serious about my wildlife invasion of your garden light of your great news , beautiful garden .
17 Jul, 2008
Thank you, BB. I appreciate that very much. So you didn't send a frog disguised as a toad the other day? ;-)
17 Jul, 2008
Well no been busy training my ghost slugs did you see I nearly got them to spell your name out? Guess Ill have to concentrate on Grenville - well he did start this didnt he?
17 Jul, 2008
Great seeing your collection of bird feeders Jacque,but as you say they seem to be so expensive. We are trying to encourage birds into our garden but its not so easy here in Bristol. They seem to be very scarce now here in the city. There are pigeons and crows but very few other birds.
By the way what is Bonkers plotting now Jacque?. Those 'ghost slugs' sound horrendous!!!
17 Jul, 2008
Omg thats awful Grenville :( i cant imagine my garden without birds singing,flying&feeding in it :/ How sad its got that bad,Those Ghost Slugs Look Huge id be affraid Grenville very affraid i wouldnt like them in my garden or home EWWwwwwwwwwwwww mind where u step Guys :)
17 Jul, 2008
We will watch out for those slugs Jacque.! Take care xx
17 Jul, 2008
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Window Bird Feeder
£7.95 at Ferndale Lodge -
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Brilliant Jacque always the best when you can improvise.
That said dovecot was a bit pricey but can pay £600 + for them . Some even charge extra if you want them painted a local chap made mine and painted it for under £200 .Well Jane said its what she wanted for christmas - dont ask how i wrapped it !
17 Jul, 2008