Look What Phils Made 4 The Garden .....
By jacque
I asked Phil 2 make me 2 Arches 4 my garden a while ago ,1 for each end of my Wild/Long Grass Garden Area & he made a Start :)
I stood well back from this Machine! Saw dust was blowing every where
& i didnt want any of these Wood Pieces Falling On My Little Piggys as i was only wearing Sandals :)
There was lots of wood that had2be cut 2 size so i let Phil get on with it
I choose this shape :) for the top do u like it?
Trellis only cost £3.80 & its a good quality 2 which means itl last longer
Now all it needs is Putting Up & agood lick of Dark Brown Wood Paint I Love It :)
Now Phils just got 1 More2make ;) But Not 2 day,The Piece of wood @ the Bottom is the Brace itl come off when soils settled :)
21 Jul, 2008
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Looks good jacque!
21 Jul, 2008
Thanx cant wait 4 the Clematis 2 go in :D
21 Jul, 2008
O did u notice id cut the Grass Irish:) did that2day2 :)
21 Jul, 2008
aye jacque, got my own done this morning too
21 Jul, 2008
That's really cute! I'd love to have one and put climbing roses on it...
21 Jul, 2008
Looks really good Jacque, well done to Phil!
21 Jul, 2008
Thanx Raquel&Michaella :) i did think of a climbing rose but then i thought its not wide enough &may catch me,Family or Summer when walkn under it ! :)
21 Jul, 2008
You should hire him out!
21 Jul, 2008
NO WAY Popeymike he works all week & is MINE@WK EDs ;)
21 Jul, 2008
What a nice arch lucky you to have someone like Phil
21 Jul, 2008
great job, what a man!
21 Jul, 2008
Thanx Buzzbee &Yes he sure is a MAN Poppy ; )
21 Jul, 2008
Great, Jacque (and Phil). By the way, there's a thornless rose you would like, 'Zepherine Drouhin', it's pink and fragrant. Am I tempting you???
21 Jul, 2008
O yes do go on Spritz sounds lovely, iv not got a Pink Rose u must be a mind reader :)Is it Perfumed2?
21 Jul, 2008
YESSSSS!!! Type in 'Rosa Zepherine Drouhin' in the search box and you will see a piccy of mine!!! clever or what?
21 Jul, 2008
Looks fab Jacque I've decided I need more power tools :o)
21 Jul, 2008
Hi Phil You've made a brilliant job. A gold star for your work!
21 Jul, 2008
Bless u Grenville il tell him in morning when he calls :) XXX
21 Jul, 2008
It's gr8, Jacque. I think that Phil should extend this into a trellised pergola, so that you can grow loads of climbers, hehe!
21 Jul, 2008
AAAAAAAAAAwwwww thanx 4 your kind comments Marguerite im lookin4 a speacil Rose that Spritz told me about its thornless so itl b perfect2mix with my lilic climber:)&u read my Mind David thats planned for other side of Mown Path ;)
22 Jul, 2008
Jacque when I send you the New Dawn you could plant it by this trellis. It would look nice, unless you've already got another place for it : )
22 Jul, 2008
Brilliant job from Phil the drill , looks like he has all the gear is this his work tools?
22 Jul, 2008
So u might get a rose after all! That's awesome, I look forward to seeing pics!
22 Jul, 2008
Hurrah for power tools...lol. I got a tablesaw for my birthday!! (actually it was so expensive I had to roll in my anniversary, Canada Day, Mother's Day, and Thanksgiving!) But I've got birdhouses to show for it...and I'm starting on my shade house...So I can feel your excitement here! a New Dawn rose too...lucky you, Jacque. A big " Thumbs up!" to Phil for the trellis and greenhouse!!
23 Jul, 2008
These are Phils work tools his got so many i cant tell u what hes got but its everything u can think of as hes a Carpenter/Plumber/Bricky so he has to have the lot:) Thanx 4 all the great comments il sure pass them on2Phil ASAP as he works away all week which i hate but wkeds are fab :)
23 Jul, 2008
Dont know how i missed this, It Looks Fantastic jacque, it was meant to be there, Phil has done a Great job..Dee..
PS isnt it great when your Parteners A Builder, :)))
4 Aug, 2008
Thanx Daisydee :) the Climber is now in flower i posted pics of that2day :)
4 Aug, 2008
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aw jacque that looks great, any idea of what you are going to plant to grow up and over it?
21 Jul, 2008