Full Moon ...........................................
By jacque
Can you see the Full Moon From Where u Live tonight?
I can & iv been thinking about how some people still Plant By Lunar??
Do Any GOY Members do this ? & if so how well does it work? Is it just for Veggies?
More InFo = www.LunarOrganics.com
12 Nov, 2008
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AAAAAAAAaaaawwwwwww Poor You Sandra :/ Maybe u should try the Lunar/Moon Calender Then? uv nothing 2 lose :)
12 Nov, 2008
I dashed out and took a photo as well! It isn't as good as yours, though. ;-(
12 Nov, 2008
Read about lunar planting Jacque, and some people swear by it I,ll stick to daylight planting Great photo.......
12 Nov, 2008
Thats a lovely picture Jacque .
A lot of people do swear by planting by the moon ,
I,ve been reading an interesting old observation . perhaps Spritz can forcast the weather for us .
When a cow tries to scratch it,s ear ,
It means a shower is very near ,
When it clumps its side with its tail ,
Look out for thunder, lightening and hail .
What were they doing Spritz ?
12 Nov, 2008
Hi Jacque Funnily enough just been taking photos of full moon and about to put one on my pics page...
12 Nov, 2008
Wow Great Minds Think a Like Bonkers ;) & Guess what Spritz went out&took a pic of the Full Moon as well cos she saw my Blog :)
12 Nov, 2008
aye jacque was looking at it earlier , its beautiful
12 Nov, 2008
Love 2 see it Eileen :D i took this Just as it was rising over the Old Oak Tree which is growing a few doors away :)
12 Nov, 2008
Hi Jacque, just popped outside, and there it is, but from here its shrouded with tomorrows rain clouds. Saw the weather forecast earlier and it looks like a wet one for all lol Maureen
12 Nov, 2008
I won't see the moon for about 5 hours. Will keep an eye out for it though :)
12 Nov, 2008
AAAAAAAAAAaawwwwwwwwww 5 hrs int long 2 wait Tasteyg :)
12 Nov, 2008
Thanx for all your Lovely Comments & Sayings 2 Amy:) lol
12 Nov, 2008
I refuse to tell you all in public what our steers were doing, as it was RUDE! (what does it mean when they do THAT?)
12 Nov, 2008
~just been out with the dogs and yes it was a lovely clear moon~you could see everything on the ground~ and Harvey wanted to chase the cows~no getting away from the darned things!~
12 Nov, 2008
Think it means they want2 make Calfs Spritz lol :D
12 Nov, 2008
Think they might be going a little bonkers Spritz with a full moon.
12 Nov, 2008
Why u want2make Calfs 2 Bonkers lmao :D
12 Nov, 2008
Steady Jacque - I know I live in the country and it can be quite remote here but......
12 Nov, 2008
12 Nov, 2008
OMG - what have you been doing now, BB? I know you have bats in your belfry, but there are limits!
12 Nov, 2008
Whats a Belfry Spritz???
12 Nov, 2008
RRRrrrrrr a Bell Tower :) Just looked it up :)
12 Nov, 2008
ooooooooooooopppppppppppsss lol
12 Nov, 2008
It's a great expression meaning....'bonkers', Jacque!
12 Nov, 2008
R as in Batty Bonkers :)
12 Nov, 2008
YAY! You got it, Jacque!
12 Nov, 2008
It is a nice clear night tonight, we had a good view of the full moon tonight.
13 Nov, 2008
Hi, It's a light mist tonight in N. Mississippi and the sky looks almost bluish pink if that makes any sence. It rained here all day but thats ok because I just finished my fall planting. When I do my spring planting I always plant on the first new moon in February. Works like a charm.
13 Nov, 2008
Wonderful moonlight showing everything up almost like daylight! Our neighbours - Lebeniagos and proud of it (born and bred in the Lebeniago Valley) - always sow their veggies by lunar law and they do very well. In fact they are so immersed in lunar logic that they call round to tell me when I should sow my seeds. At some point I am going to conduct a little experiment with some veggies - sowing some when I'm told to my my knowleagable neighbours and others a little later or earlier, just to see what occurs. I'll keep you in mind, Jacque, and let you know the results.
13 Nov, 2008
I'm new to this. Could someone tell me what the word flag means to the right of the date? My post is the only one that doesn't have it. Sincerely
13 Nov, 2008
Hi again, Hawk! Your post does have a flag on it visible to all the other members, as does your blog. So if you wrote sexist or racist things or used bad language, for example, then anyone can click on the flag and tell the 'managers' of GOY - Peter and Ajay - who would decide whether to remove the comment/blog/photo. You can see flags on everyone else's comments, photos, blogs etc so that you could 'flag' them if they were inappropriate. It's a safety-net system for members to help to 'police' the site.
13 Nov, 2008
Ok, thanks so much. Wow I think I finally found the site I've been looking for.
13 Nov, 2008
A lovely photo Jacque. It looks very mysterious with lots of atmosphere.Hope all is well. xx
14 Nov, 2008
Morn Grenville/Alan Myself&Family r good many thanks4asking ,XXX
14 Nov, 2008
Hi Jacque. Don't know why I'm so late reading your blog.
I know a lady who told me her grandfather always planted things by the moon.
I don't know the reason but maybe it's the same as you get spring tides at a full moon. - The pull of gravity of the moon on the earth causes the sea to swell up higher and maybe it has an effect on plants and seeds aswell.
My old cat Fluffy used to go wild at a full moon. I could tell if the moon was full by her behaviour. If she went mad I'd think 'there must be a full moon tonight ' - and sure enough there always was !
15 Nov, 2008
Thank you for this blog it has been most illuminating about the birds and the bees but not that helpful for gardening. This moony stuff is all a bit too deep in the g round for my liking. Are you Bonkers Jacque there is no Rs in the word batty.
17 Nov, 2008
O yeah i see what umean about "No R" in Bonkers GF lol :D Its Strange Hywel that your Cat used2go Mad on a Full Moon dont u think? Might be something 2 do with being Witches Best Friends Hywel ;) all very Spooky i think :O itl b good 2 see what results Nariz comes up with in the Experiment :) Cant wait2hear the Results :)Then we may all grow by Lunar? :)
17 Nov, 2008
This is one gardener who does believe in Lunar cycles. In pruning and grafting especially.For a while I also did some tree falling the difference in drying time for the firewood or cut lumber is very much affected by the time you cut it.
Even during the day, plants have different cycles. In the morning they are the most pliable as they are moving water upwards. Grapes, can be manhandled and twisted best in the early morn. Not in the afternoon. Simple things like that.
My best Moon movements were not caught on film. I ask you to imagine it. Sequim, is the Northwest of Seattle, but there is a small mountain (3,500 ft.). to the south of us that overlooks the Hood Canal bridge. At the summit of that Mt. is a park. In the harvest moon of the year, the full moon rises over the straight and there is an arrow of light on the water that slowly approaches those lovers celebrating that wonderful celestial happening.
The other being local. We have a small mountain with homes on it, that face the Olympic Mt. chain. Sitting with that southern view, the Moon rising over the snow capped Olympics is to die for.
29 Nov, 2008
Thanx for all your Info Skyline sounds like uv got it down 2 a Tee & the Veiws sound outstanding how lucky u r 2have such beautiful scenery :)
1 Dec, 2008
Lunar events do trigger changes in human beings. Animals as well. I am sure a botanist might give some commentary on plants, and that I am not.
Some of my own blogs have suggested that I am LUNYl or off my rocker. I have been in mental institutions, Yes.
As a C.O. during the Vietnam War: -- Boston General, Worchester in central MA -- and finally Thank God, in Taunton MA working with the mentally challenged. That was a wonderful place! The movie :One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest: was made just shortly after my own experiences. It was if anything understated.
Horror stories to the two former, less so in the latter. In fact if other life circumstances had not happened I might still be in this field. Later, in this County, I did do so for many years and even developed a Nursery for the "Developmentally Challenged." Long story, which I probably will never go into, so pissed off am I.
Still, I can relate how the full moon affected the inmates in these institutions and the admissions increases. Same for women going into labor. Like S.A.D changes to solar or lunar cycles do affect most creatures, from man down to the insect. I should not have written it that way, considering the shear number of different insect species God created (and so beautiful) it should have been from insect down to man. :-)
Do check out a recent National Geographic magazine. It dealt with how just light pollution from modern usages affects other creatures. After reading that article, one of the people I worked for turned off all the security lights. The frogs returned with a vengeance. Just one small act, by one gardener accomplished this huge change.
I have been advising this for years.We need to do that on a city basis!
As to your question NO. This has been a drismal, dreary day and so begins the night. No moon to be sighted at all in W. WA. USA.
1 Dec, 2008
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27 Nov, 2008
we have a wounderfull full moon here too. my seeds don;t care about the moon they just don't like growing...lol
12 Nov, 2008