Cane Trellis Gone!!!
By jacque
As the Weather was Sunny2day i thought id make a start on My New Gardening Project :) It couldnt wait no Longer as iv Many Spring Plants&Bulbs for this Area that need2be Planted ASAP,
This is the Old Cane Trellis which goes all the way up 2 the New Bird Table :)
Looks Empty In This Pic :(
But not 4 long as iv some Materials i can Recycle ;) 3 Of these will be The New Trellis Supports :)
As u can see iv still 1 more Trellis Section 2 put up ! But Im getting There Members
Last Trellis Is Up ! Wanted to Paint it but the Day Light Ran Out On Me so im hopeing itl be a nice Dry Day again 2 morw? :)
18 Nov, 2008
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Yes, a work in progress.
Looking forward to more reports. :o)
What will you do with the trellis ?
I guess you'll recycle the canes for re-use?
18 Nov, 2008
The Cane Treills i took Down iv plans for TT ;) Itl be a Screen For My Plants/Seeds Nursury Behind My Greenhouse :) A Blog will be Posted on This Project In The Spring :)
18 Nov, 2008
Why am I not surprised that the recycled canes will inspire a new blog.??? Lol
Jacque ~ well done. :o)
18 Nov, 2008
Thanx TT X
18 Nov, 2008
You've been busy! Looking forward to the next instalment. Are you planning to grow anything over the new trellis?
18 Nov, 2008
Theres already 4 Clematis in This Flower Bed which i planted early this yr Gee,1 iv wrapped around the Bird Table Stand 2train it up it :) & the other 3 will be Trained Up The New Trellis Gee :) I will most probaly Plant Sweetpeas Up It agin next yr Gee as they Smelt Lovely when we sat out on the Patio which is also beside the Trellis :)
18 Nov, 2008
Great job Jacque. Would you like to pop over and put up a trellis or two for me???? LOL.
18 Nov, 2008
Good job, well done Jacque :)
18 Nov, 2008
Great idea to be busy today as forecast set to turn.
Sweet peas sound lovely with clematis sure it will look great come spring Jacque.
18 Nov, 2008
Thanx all for the Lovely Comments :) Roll on Summer2009 so i can post some Pics of My Flowering Trellis :)
18 Nov, 2008
well done Jacque, you are certainly making good use of this mild day. Cant wait to see next instalment lol
18 Nov, 2008
Much Better jacque, the Clemitas will look Great next year. Isn't it exciting thinking about and planting for "2009..
18 Nov, 2008
It is that Dee ,Iv so much more Growing In My Garden 4 next Springs/Summers Displays &all grown by Myself im so Proud & feel great about it Just like so Many Goy Members z i would :) I bet u cant wait2make a Start on your Statue Area either can u Dee?
18 Nov, 2008
Too right jacque, im starting a new tropical border, and i have an idea using railway sleepers at the bottom of the garden to sort of seperate the two, Ive new (small) climbers to grow up my willow fence next year, all in all i want more plants in my garden, the decking is a bit bare, and, and, and, :))) I can picture your garden in my mind next year, with the hundreds of new plants you have grown, its going to be Amazing and you have done a fantastic job this year considering how long you have been gardening, your not afraid to try and you just get stuck in there girl .. A Huge Well Done from me... Love Dee..
18 Nov, 2008
Thanx Dee your so Kind XXX Sweet dreams Every1 im off now Chat soon Good Night XXX
18 Nov, 2008
Not at all surprised you need an early night after all that, Jacque! Well done. We can both be pleased with our work today.
18 Nov, 2008
Clematis and s.peas sound lovely Jacque.
It's going to look wonderful next summer. :o)
18 Nov, 2008
Looking good Jac, mmm wonder where you got the idea from? lol - just two questions, and i don't mean to be a kill joy, but how stirdy are the cains you are attatching the trellis to? and also how far down have you secured the cains into the ground. i know the trellis i used was bigger more heavy panels, but i used timber posts 4" thick that i dug down 2 ft and cemented in. don't forget that there will be more wieght on the trellis once the plants grow. i am only saying this cos would hate that you got this all done, and looking lovely and then a sudden gust of wind took it all down before you get to enjoy the beauty of it. - hope you don't mind me saying this.
20 Nov, 2008
Hi Ang the Posts go in18inchs @least with lots of Rocks/ Bricks Beneath the Soil making any Post Wobble Impossible :)&their much Thicker than Canes so im sure theyl hold it in a Gale :) Bless u for caring so much & i never mind You/Any1 giving adiceXXX
20 Nov, 2008
Glad to hear it Jac, would hate to see all that hard work go to waste, and they do look lovely, can't wait to see the finished feacher!
20 Nov, 2008
Well done on all your hard work - go girl!
20 Nov, 2008
Thanx Sarah :)
20 Nov, 2008
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18 Nov, 2008