More Wildlife!!!!Part3....
By jacque
Never seen so many Ladybirds in My Garden & these are 2 more i pictured climbing around&enjoying the Sunshine of the warm day :)
Dont you just love the Colour of them all Red with those tiny tiny Black Spots How Cute is that?& what a help they are 2 keep away those Awful Greenfly :D
This is A BEE FLY Sid Kindly found out 4 me what it was so this is a new Insect iv never seen or heard of ? Very Fast & Pretty
As you can see the Daisy Lawn is comeing on Great
& the Short Mown Paths really show off the long grass area well now the grass is growing :)
Out in Garden 2 day just weeding the Tulip Bed& getting More Pic`s when i saw something ……
Yep it was A BIG BUMBLE wonder how many of those iv seen now?
Because i was round other side of garden2day i thought id take more pics of the Short mown Path that takes u around the Birdbath :)
Almost all parts of the Garden Can now be got 2 by these :)
11 Apr, 2008
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A Bee Fly, is that new to this country? Or have i just been an old cloth ears and not took in the name before?
11 Apr, 2008
It was in my Collins book of British Wildlife, and no, I've never heard of it before either, but there it was - in full technicolour!!
Jac - I just love mown paths - good work! Will you be planting lots of lovely wildflowers like cornflowers and things?
11 Apr, 2008
Yes Sarah iv already got some wildflowers growing in the beds along with Lupins,Hollyhocks,Sea Hollys,Lavenders,Oxeye Daisy,Fox Gloves& iv also got pots of wildflower/grass mix to plant in2 the grass once theyv grown big enough ;)
11 Apr, 2008
Lovely photos Jacque done on your new camera? Nice to see early ladybirds.You know anything about a larger foreign invader that a threat to ours? Think read somewhere that it originates in Spain. As for bee fly they common ?
11 Apr, 2008
Yes Bonkers i had a Harliquin in my own garden going back bout2/3 wks ago now?I reported it2 the Cambridge Uni & its now as far spread as Scotland,u can find a pic on my page or type in ladybird in search&itl come up with all the pic`s members have uploaded of ladybirds.Yes im well pleased with my 8pix newish camera Bonkers not 2 expensive&takes great pic`s dont u think? :)
11 Apr, 2008
I've seen two ladybirds this week - so glad they are around! I do NOT want to see a Harlequin, I gather that they endanger the common ones. I must do what you do and carry my camera around to catch the wildlife in action! Well done - great photos and very clear! I've never heard of a Bee Fly either. Does it sting? I have strange black bees that burrow into the top border (the driest part of the garden) It's scary weeding there once they arrive! I must try to get a photo.
11 Apr, 2008
Thanx 4 the kind comment on the clear pics Spritz,i dont no if the Bee Fly Stings we should ask Sarah(SID) as she kindly found out what it was in a Book she has,id never seen1 b4?
11 Apr, 2008
I always thought that bee-flys wre the same as hover-flies, but maybe I got it wrong for all these years.
11 Apr, 2008
i think hover flys look more like a wasp than a bee????XXX
11 Apr, 2008
Yep hover flies tiny harmless yellow black stripes but this bee fly something else.
11 Apr, 2008
Do tell Bonkers :)
11 Apr, 2008
My book says bee-flys don't sting :-)
12 Apr, 2008
Sorry meant bee fly something very different to hover fly not that it was harmful.Not familiar with it so bow to Sid and her book.
12 Apr, 2008
Ha ha - bow down to the Book!
12 Apr, 2008
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a bee fly? i was wondering what it was lol.
11 Apr, 2008