After the rain ...
By jan65
Well now that the rain has finally stopped, I spent a lovely few hours in the garden pottering around, assessing the damage (not too bad), deadheading, hoeing, weeding and generally tidying up after not being able to get out there for two days, grrrrrr!
The border at the side of my lawn is looking lovely:
and thanks to everyone who replied to my question regarding adding a mulch to my little wall to help with moisture retention. As a result of the advice kindly given I decided to go with pebbles rather than bark chippings, as apparently the pebbles don’t deplete the soil of any nutrients whereas the bark chippings can. I bought a couple of bags of 20ml pebbles as recommended, and this is the result – I’m chuffed with it and wish I’d done it ages ago!
I think this group of pots with my budda looks nice, although some of the new guinea busy lizzies’ flowers dropped off in the rain – still, they have plenty of buds on, so just waiting for more to open to brighten up this little spot:
and my newly identified balloon flower looks as though it’s going to be blue! Can’t wait for it to open!
However, I’m beginning to be a little disappointed in other areas of my garden. I didn’t take photos, but certain parts of the garden are looking as though they’re past their best. I don’t know if it’s all the rain – my wallflowers are certainly past their best, and after I’d deadheaded the dianthus there were hardly any flowers or buds left. The lupins are looking decidedly sorry for themselves, and two other scabius plants look as though they’ve succumbed to mildew (I chopped the first one right back after it didn’t seem to respond to fungicide, and luckily it’s sprouting new leaves already, so I have high hopes that it will recover, but meantime there’s a big gap in my border while it recovers). I hope I don’t have to do the same with the other two.
How are other people’s gardens doing? Perhaps it’s my choice of plants – do they reach a peak in early summer and then I haven’t anything else to sprout up in their place?
This gardening lark is such a learning curve!
19 Jul, 2009
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Next post: Ta Dah! Here is my Balloon Flower ...
No, I haven't, Fluff. I don't seem to have much success with bulbs on the whole. This evening I've just accidentally uncovered some muscari bulbs due to my over-enthusiastic hoeing!
19 Jul, 2009
Hmmm that's what I haven't got xray eyes then?! My garden is usually too waterlogged for bulbs but the glads are coming up ok.
19 Jul, 2009
the garden is looking great Jan, I think that all our gardens need a bit less wind and rain but especially some sun to bring on the flowers. My dahlias are really slow in producing many flowers but plenty of growth thanks to the rain and falling over thanks to the wind! Like you, my dianthus have gone into a sulk and stopped producing flowers. I think they too like it a bit drier and definitely sunny. I can't wait for it to be bursting with colour like it usually is in summer. Gardening definitely is a learning curve - a never ending one!!
19 Jul, 2009
Trouble is, I hate to see markers in the soil and just rely on my memory ... trouble is my memory's not so good! Maybe I should come up with some natural looking markers, pebbles, say.
19 Jul, 2009
Hi Lily2 - sorry we must have posted at the same time, I was answering Fluff. Unfortunately I think I've had most of the colour I'm going to get - in the back border at least. I'll have to try plant things that don't all flower at the same time, maybe. I'm still learning, obviously!
19 Jul, 2009
Good idea!
19 Jul, 2009
That border is very pretty, so full of colour! Your pots too look very well ordered I can see you keep very much on top of things. I am loathe to look at all my pots on the walls and fences as they have like everybody elses suffered from the wind and the rain.
19 Jul, 2009
Thank you Fluff and Grannysue. I wish my back border was as colourful, now, as this one is!
19 Jul, 2009
your border looks lovely. The rain down here is ruining everything, and making the grass grow far too quickly :(
20 Jul, 2009
Thank you Grindle - luckily I'd just cut the grass before the rain started, but it will need doing again soon, so fingers crossed for a couple of rain-free days to allow it to try out enough to cut.
20 Jul, 2009
we've had continual rain for days, so the grass here is getting so long I'll be able to make hay if I don't get out there soon :((((
21 Jul, 2009
We're supposed to have rain again today, but nothing so far although it's only 9 o'clock! Ever the optimist, my hubby hung some washing out before he went to work it's bound to rain.
21 Jul, 2009
What a well trained hubby you have, mine wouldn't know how to work a clothes peg or even where the clothes line lives! Even if he did, I hate to think of the resulting mess on the line LOL. Still, he comes in useful sometimes. It was raining here when I got up, then stopped for a while and now rain again. My fault, I actually did a bit of watering last evening. With all the windy weather some heavily planted bits were quite dry - not any more though :o)
21 Jul, 2009
Yes, I've trained him well ... start as you mean to go on is my motto! Mind you it was me that had to rush out in the rain to bring it in again! Can't blame him for that though as he was at work at the time. I must admit he doesn't peg it up the way I do! His answer to that is "if you're not happy with the way I do it, do it yourself" but my reply is always "well if you're going to do a job, do it properly". Bit of a stalemate really, but at least it gets hung out even if it doesn't look pretty!
22 Jul, 2009
It's funny how no two people ever hang the washing out the same isn't it? I've heard some people even colour code it to the pegs.....!! How can you waste time in a garden doing things like that? (my pegs are all wooden anyway, even if I could be tempted) If hubby did bring the washing in, I bet he wouldn't fold it up, so it would get all creased. Can't expect too much I suppose LOL
22 Jul, 2009
I don't go as far as colour coding the pegs! but I was taught by my mam to hang tops up by the seams under the arms to avoid peg marks in the hem, and to peg up shirts by the bottom seam with the open shirt catching the wind, and to peg trousers up by the back of the waist band, leaving the flies undone to flap in the wind. So this is how I do it still! I don't suppose there's a law against the way hubby does it, but it certainly looks messy! But at least he does it - and other things - and doesn't just leave everything to me, which I am thankful for, honestly.
22 Jul, 2009
Yes you are lucky Jan, pretty much everything gets left to me but he does go to work and I don't. He is retiring in a couple of months though and I made noises about sharing jobs out but it didn't go down well! We'll see.....
22 Jul, 2009
You'll have to develop a less subtle strategy, Lily! I only work part-time, so do a lot of stuff myself, despite how it sounds! But my hubby is actually very good at sharing jobs so I have no real complaints. I did intend to tackle my huge ironing pile this afternoon, but after going shopping, picking up my daughter's friend and then preparing a casserole for tea, I couldn't be bothered with it, so decided to have half an hour on GoY instead! It doesn't take much to distract me!
22 Jul, 2009
Bet you didn't only spend 1/2 hour on here though. I've just done that and it's now well over an hour and not nearly finished yet! Will hubby do the ironing or is that a step too far?
22 Jul, 2009
Not at all - he's ironing as we speak! Mind he's only doing his own stuff, and I did tackle the mountain of washing up after our casserole! BTW, I spent exactly half an hour on GoY... er ...followed by another half an hour ... oops.
22 Jul, 2009
The man's a marvel!!
I've been on here now for over 2 hours and I am NOT going to look at anything else at all as I MUST go and feed the neighbours cats NOW!!
22 Jul, 2009
Shh, don't let him hear you say he's a marvel! He thinks this is how all men behave and I don't want to disillusion him, now, do I?
22 Jul, 2009
You certainly hit the jackpot there Jan.....oh well, it seems I'm unlucky with men as well as balloon flowers LOL. Actually he's got his good I'll get back to you on that one!
23 Jul, 2009
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I'm sure the rain has made plants look raggedy & past it when they should still be proud. It's such a shame & is the same when it's too dry I think.
Your border is looking good though...have you got any summer bulbs to come on? ;0)
19 Jul, 2009