Feeling tired now
By jdba
Great day in the garden today. Myself and Mrs F. got stuck in to a lot of back breaking weeding and clearing up today. We all have those areas of the garden that get overgrown very quickly no matter how much we scuttle and hoe them. Other parts of the garden are presentable but the area we were working on butts up to the vegetable bed. So today it was a case of rolling up the sleeves and taking the area back to scratch.
Pleased to say we now have the area cleared and I plan to grow sweet pea up the panel fencing, that separates the side garden from the front garden, with some low flowers or shrubs in front of it.
I have planted potatoes in the vegetable garden and a also planning to put in sweet corn (first time I’ve tried this); brussells sprouts; cabbage and carrots. This year we plan to grow our runner beans in pots.
After all the exertion I am pleasantly tired. Today was a good day.Well almost; it would have been perfect but for Everton loosing in the FA Cup semi-final!
14 Apr, 2012
More blog posts by jdba
Sorry about Everton! You both deserve a good restful evening after all that!
14 Apr, 2012
Well I'm sorry Everton lost for you :o(
But you can console yourself in your garden. It sounds as if you've done a lot there.
Welcome to GoY :o)
15 Apr, 2012
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Sounds like a very satisfying days work jdba well done getting so much done and good luck with the sweetcorn
have tried it without much success our climate up here is not suited not a long enough season possibly.
Pity about Everton losing but there is always next year!
Happy gardening:)
14 Apr, 2012