When you see Yellow lead, vests, or bandanna on a dog.
By jenlewis
As you all may have guessed, my other passion other then my garden is my dogs lol. Ringo, the youngest is a really a handful and has fear aggression. Hasn’t helped this last year with the lockdown and him being only one when it all started and also with so many more lockdown dogs appearing everywhere, normally off lead with owners having no control. Till I had to start dealing with his behaviour I had never heard of the yellow scheme for dogs.
With us now all being allowed out more and the RSPCA and Dog’s Trust warning that with so many lockdown dogs having not been allowed to socialise or have training during this last year, there will be a big increase of dogs like Ringo. If you see a dog with a yellow lead, vest or bandanna on, it is most likely due to the dog being a reactive and means that dog needs space. We decided that those were a bit too subtle Haha and people may not see them, so my daughter had these vests made for when we walk Ringo.
Above photo is my daughter modelling her vest Haha.
With Ringo, I don’t just rely on people seeing my vest so decided to muzzle train him. The training took weeks and lots and lots of primula cheese squirted all over the inside of his muzzle. He now gets really excited when he sees it and is really happy wearing it. Took longer convincing hubby to get one for Ringo. He like many people was worried that Ringo would be judged badly for wearing one. He has never bitten anyone but I would rather be safe then sorry.
I hope you all don’t mind me posting this on here and thank you for reading it x
28 Apr, 2021
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I didn't know about either Anget, till I got Rongo and I've had dogs for the last 27 years. You now see them sold in most pet shops but so many people don't know what they mean. I belong to a few Fb groups and see so many posts of owners complaining that even though they have the yellow lead, vest, bandanna, people are still coming up to their dogs. That's why I got the vest for me to wear, hopefully easier for people to see. With Ringo, he is scared of new things and new people. He then goes into flight or fight mode (with him barking and growling) since he is on a lead and can't run away so barks. Being so big, it can be really scary for people.
28 Apr, 2021
Very useful info Jenny. I didn't know about the yellow warnings. Ringo would be judged more badly for misbehaviour than for wearing a warning. Having a written warning makes things much clearer
28 Apr, 2021
Our daughter got a Doberman cross during lockdown and she has found a similar issue. The dog just doesn't know how to play/react with other dogs. It is such a shame but they are getting there.
28 Apr, 2021
Yorkslass, most of the leads, dog vest and so on have written warning on them but so small, people can't see them till they are up close. That's why I like my vest. I would rather have Ringo muzzled then care what people think. Should he get that scared that he ever did go to bite someone, I would be made to put him down. The muzzle is to keep everyone safe.
29 Apr, 2021
Seaburngirl, it is hard. Also the breed doesn't help like with German Shepherds. Even with my Ben who was the soft soul, times people would cross the road just seeing the breed yet he was a PAT dog and went into a nursing home every 2 weeks back in Kent. I don't blame people being scared of big dogs but when you own one, finding other dogs for them to learn to play with can be hard. Glad that her dog is getting better.
29 Apr, 2021
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I don't have a dog, so useful to know, thank you, Jen. I always ask the dogwalker before touching a dog, anyway.
28 Apr, 2021