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Some sad news...


I’m afraid I’ve dropped off the radar for a while…. had some sad times with Fran, the wonderful lady who gave me my first geranium sadly passing away, and my poor cat Spike, who has featured in so many of my garden pictures. Both of cancer. Various other things have been going wrong, and other people ill, so things have been a bit rough.

I just want to say how both will be so sorely missed. Fran was a great inspiration for me with gardening; mum and I used to go visit her and she would often show us around her compact, but beautifully maintained garden. It was obvious to anyone who looked how much pride and love she put into it. Geraniums and Penstemon (her favourites!) will always remind me of her. As for Spike… he will always be in my heart. We’ve had him and his sister Tib-Tabs since I was four and a half, so they have been a part of my life for almost as long as I remember. He always used to wander out and keep me company when I was in the garden, or come and sit on my lap in the greenhouse when I was sowing seeds and potting on. He was the most wonderful nuisance :) But he got so poorly that my poor parents had to make the tough decision to let the vet give him some peace.

The Geranium plant that Fran dug up from her garden for me last year… its what got me into them.

Spike, Tibs and their brother Jack as kittens

Sam, myself and the cats when we were all much younger :P

Spike being mischievous and rolling around on Dad’s newly seeded lawn this summer :)

Penstemon ‘Firebird’, which was flowering so beautifully when I went home for Fran’s funeral.

I’m sorry that this is such a melancholy post… I was sat at my computer feeling sad and trying to do work and thought I would write this as a reminder of them. I hope you have all been having cheerier autumns, and managed to get everything tucked away before the cold. I’ve planted another packet of Allium bulbs in the new border (its been so long since I was on here I don’t remember whether I’ve posted about this new section yet…), but hopefully that will give it some interest come spring.

Now its just time to enjoy being all cosy and wrapped up inside (very literally wrapped up in my case… student heating and all that), and wait for the excitement of spring to come around again!

Wishing you all a merry festive season

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We never lose loved ones Jenny. They stay with us and still interfere, and interrupt our lives. Make us laugh or sometimes cry.

The little kittens on the bench are so Cute!

13 Dec, 2011


I'm sorry you've had such a tough time. It's difficult to cope with losing someone close to you (and that includes pets) I hope you're dealing with it as best you can.

It's nice you felt able to share your troubles with us. Lots do that, including myself. I find it a big help :o)

I think you'll have your holidays now - I hope you enjoy them. Have a wonderful time.
Hope to hear from you a bit more next year ....

14 Dec, 2011


Sorry to hear of your losses. Hope you enjoy Christmas. :o)

14 Dec, 2011


Music and flowers help to heal.
Give them a try.
Hope you soon feel better. It happens to us all.

14 Dec, 2011


I wondered if your studies were taking up all your time, Jennyfer ... so sorry to read of your losses ... but it IS good to write it down on here and share ... I have done the same at times and even though they may be just written words they really can help! ... The Penstemon 'Firebird' is beautiful one ... enjoy your Christmas holiday and have a happy new year ... :o)

14 Dec, 2011


Hi Jennyfer ..
The autumn brought you some sad times ..
.. but it is good that you have such wonderful memories of Fran and of Spike ...
Hoping 2012 will be a very happy year for you. :o) x

14 Dec, 2011


So sorry to hear of your losses, I wish you a better 2012 x.

14 Dec, 2011


I'm so sorry you've had such a difficult and sad time recently Jennyfer especially as both Fran and Spike have been part of your life for so long. Your happy memories of time spent with each of them will eventually replace the great sadness you're feeling now. I do hope 2012 will bring happier times for you. xx

14 Dec, 2011


So sorry to hear of your loss Jennyfer, at least you have some lovely memories of them both, Penstemons are one of my favorites, time will heal believe me. Do hope you have a lovely Christmas and New year.... TC

14 Dec, 2011


Jennyfer put 'rainbow bridge' into Google its a wonderful poem, please read it, its quite emotional but lovely

I'm so sorry to hear of your sadness cancer is a truly awful disease, my thoughts are with you xxx

14 Dec, 2011


That is a very sad, but lovely poem, thankyou Pamg. And thanks all of you for being so kind and supportive. It has been a very sad time, but hopefully Lily is right and the happy memories will soon be the ones I think of.
I am packing right now to go home tomorrow, so hopefully I will soon be able to check out what you've all been up to these last months :)
I hope you all have a very merry Christmas, and a happy new year xxx

16 Dec, 2011

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