Spring in my step.
By jethrotull
It is early, but I am in hospital. Unfortunately I seem to have spent much of this year in and out of North Manchester Hospital, missing most of those glorious spring days our temperate climate bestowed on us. I did see the apple blossom when I was at home, we now have two apple trees, but it was very frustrating not to be able to do anything. Spring is vibrant, I enjoy the lush green shades as the garden comes into life. Then the colour, purple seems to have acquired a slight prominence when we did our autumn planting, there is a purple patch ,allium, verbanum and more, which appears to be thriving. The challenge of the garden is to keep the show going, so that August does not simply fade away.
Here at the hospital, it seems that every bit of space has been built on. Looking out from the upper floors of what I understand was once a huge workhouse ,it is striking how little open land is left. Mundane buildings have appeared throughout the hospital estate.
To the point. There is ,off the main corridor, a small garden. I went out there yesterday , with my wife. We both thought (simultaneously-together a long time) this could benefit from some TLC. A more enjoyable space could be a boon to many patients, something to relieve the tedium of the hospital day. This sounds like the Big Society .Can anything be done, why not?
4 May, 2011
Previous post: Return
Sorry to hear you are in Hospital,Jethro,and I wish you a speedy recovery...and hope you can soon be sitting in your own garden.I agree with you,most of them are the same..and nothing to help lift one's spirits.Ours is just one massive car park,not even a seat,for those who can get outside!..Sadly,the powers that be,would probably say they have no money available..so maybe volunteers could be asked for ? I'm sure if there was enough publicity,that could be a possibility...a letter to the local press might help..
4 May, 2011
One of our big hospital's has a large outside seating area with grass and flowerbed's, it also overlook's a lovely park.Hope you are soon feeling better Jethro.
4 May, 2011
Sounds like a good idea. Lots of hospitals have volunteer groups that run tea rooms etc. You should ask around and see if they would add a garden to their list. Altho' in times of cuts they may not be so keen. Hope you feel better soon.
4 May, 2011
sorry you're in hospital-- do hope you'll be home soon.
as has been said there are different groups who like projects in most areas-- our local paper I am sure if told would write up an article asking for volunteers
4 May, 2011
Most hospitals in Britain seem to have a group called 'Friends of ......... Hospital.' Why not contact them? Even if they are unable to do anything themselves, they may know a man who can. :o)
5 May, 2011
Sorry to hear you're in hospital. I hope you'll be well enough to go home before long.
I think hospitals are so drab and could benefit from some pleasant planting in their grounds.
I remember an old hospital near here - it had some beautiful gardens dotted around it's grounds, with alcoves where the patients and visitors could sit etc
Now however, a new one has been built on the same site and it is horrendous ! :(((
5 May, 2011
Poor you, Jethro - hospitals are not really the place to stay for long are they as you usually get little sleep and then just as you are about to drop off a nurse comes to take your blood pressure etc.
Hope it won't be long before you can get back to your own house and garden. Keep well.
5 May, 2011
Recent posts by jethrotull
- Return
18 Apr, 2011
- Paint
24 Mar, 2011
- Back to basics
21 Mar, 2011
- Inactivity
7 Mar, 2011
- Digging
27 Feb, 2011
- The Big Issue
23 Feb, 2011
sorry your missing your garden,hope your well soon
4 May, 2011