Your Desert Island Disks .... of garden tools!
By joey
I wasnt sure whether to put this as a question or in a blog but here goes… I have put my house on the market and this means saying goodbye to a lot of my new plants etc.
This does, however, mean that I will have the opportunity to start a new garden again and get a good run up at it in the new year (fingers crossed) so I started thinking about essential tools to do the job.
My question has become – what are your absolute must-haves for a garden? What would you never be without? I am thinking about seeds, watering cans, a good spade, a pair of really good, sturdy secateurs… enthusiasm or a really good raincoat?
I know that I can dig a hole with just about anything so wouldnt need a trowel and a watering-can can be replaced by a water bottle in desperate times. I can keep thinking about this forever….
What are your thoughts? What would you never be able to leave behind? What is essential in your garden?
21 Sep, 2007
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Well, there are tools you just have to have, like forks for digging, spades edge clippers, rakes etc, but in my case I cannot do without my secateurs which travel round my garden with me. Also, I have a small narrow-bladed trowel which fits neatly into my hand. It 'tickles' the soil beween plants, digs out small weeds, plants small plants and seedlings, and it WENT MISSING!!!! I was lost without it. I bought a replacement but it was not the same. After several months it turned up, minus handle, at the bottom of the incinerator. My lovely husband has made a new handle for it, so once again it's back at the end of my right arm, where it belongs! :-)
22 Sep, 2007
My hammock! All work and no play etc etc!
23 Sep, 2007
Spade and garden fork, trowel, good secateurs, pruning saw (for anything the secateurs can't cope with). And the lawnmower. It's amazing how much better a garden can look if the grass is cut. If I had to choose just one, it would be the spade. You can't have a good garden without proper soil preparation or digging good size holes for planting.
23 Sep, 2007
A fork before the spade. If you are starting from scratch cover the soil with dung or good compost through the winter let the worms do the work underneath and fork in the spring. It worked for me, but I would add, it was an old orchard development.
23 Sep, 2007
I'm definately in the spade camp - I just could'nt be without my Dad's spade - it fits right where its meant to and doesnt give me back ache - tried a new one but yuk after an hour I had to go and lie down (not an excuse!!!)
23 Sep, 2007
I couldn't manage without my wolf weeder. Such a brilliantly simple piece of kit and so absolutely invaluable, oh and probably the bucket to put the weeds, etc into.
24 Sep, 2007
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Easy question - my spade! At times I wanted a pick axe to get through all the buried rubbish but a spade was the only thing I really needed to convert my lawn into a veg patch!
A close second is my gloves - after the first 20 minutes digging without gloves I'd gone right off the spade. Blisters and nettle stings are a thing of the past :o)
21 Sep, 2007