Jonezee's Profile

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I moved house in June this year. The house is brand new and together with my husband we have plans to live abroad during the winter. We chose a house to which we could add a conservatory at the rear and create a patio of the remaining garden. This will make it low maintenance a enable us to leave it for long periods without it becoming overgrown. Our last house had a very big garden,in which my husband also boasted a vegetable plot and a mini orchard. There was no way we could go away and leave it for too long. Since we have retired we have had great pleasure from gardening, also we play crown green bowls and my husband is the greenkeeper for one of the clubs. We were kept very busy for several years during the summer season,so now it is time to relax. My husband misses his garden a great deal, but is also glad of the chance to relax more. This is why I want to create a container filled patio, in which I can incorporate some soft fruits. I have already put out tubes and troughs with pansies and primulas and we have a patch in the corner for a few shrubs. I have started collecting shrubs for some new containers .In our working years we were hotel managers, which left us no time at all for gardening, so we are trying to make up for lost time. Although since we are not getting any younger, and there seems to be so much to see and do, I don't want the garden to be too much of a responsibility.
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Joined in Jul 2009
Country: Wales
County: Flintshire