Juleswall's Profile

About me
I have a small garden a the rear of the house which Phil and I have terraced as it was a steep hill when we first moved into the house. We have tried to make small flower beds in which we have attempted to grow various plants soe with success and others without, as the soi is very heavy clay and has a stream running through when it rains really heavily. To date I have had success with Hostas, heathers, lavender, rosemary and some roses. I also have had limited success with pink geraniums and some saxifrage.
The front garden is mainly grass - it is a poor lawn made up of poor quality grass, I am looking to take this up and put down slate chippings, as I have a problem with my muscles and ligaments which means gardening is difficult at times.In the front garden I have my large Cordyline, a bush lilac with beautiful white blooms and another small tree, these seem to be bird magnets and i love sitting and watching the robins, blackbirds, tits and sparrows. We also get visited by a little wren and wood pigeons.
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Joined in Jan 2009
Country: United Kingdom