Juliej's Profile

About me
Widowed in 1985, retired and living in Cornwall with my 8 year old Border Collie. Just this week (25/26th September 2010) I have moved to a bungalow with a garden all of my own (haven't had one for a while). It has been cared for, with many and varied plantings of flowers and shrubs and I am impatient to know what might appear over the next year.
I want to move things around, augment what is there and, most urgent, plant all the bulbs that I have as a result of emptying my many containers - plus the daffodils that a friend gave me yesterday. :)
I know very little, learning as I go along, Googling most of my knowledge as and when I need to.
I am enjoying reading the blogs and comments on here, learning all the time - and spending too much money on the plants I see and want!!
My garden is L-shaped, behind and round the side of my bungalow; part of it has been overlaid with weed supressant sheeting and small, white gravel. I don't like this but am at a loss to know what to put there. A veggie garden? but there are two smallish trees planted there and veggies would have to grow around them. A pool? I'd love one, but suspect that my dog would adopt it as his very own pool (he LOVES water)
Decisions, decisions!
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Joined in Jul 2010
Country: United Kingdom
County: Cornwall