Buddha Garden...
By junglejen
It was a special sort of day….
I opened my eyes to see this little fellow smiling at me from the bedside table!
He must have come to visit his friends……
They watch over me while I’m gardening……
When I’m cooking dinner…
When I’m washing up…
When I’m making a cuppa…
When I’m chillin’…
While I’m sleeping…
While I’m dreaming…
When I wake up…
But mostly while I’m caring for the garden!
They’re very good company!
Namaste x
1 Sep, 2009
Previous post: It's a special sort of day today........
Next post: Bird hospital....
Good morning Sandra, they're smiling today...the Sun's shining!
1 Sep, 2009
Beautiful day peeps
sun is shining the garden looks....ok hehe
and Im eating choc chip cookies
could life get any better
x x x
1 Sep, 2009
Good morning Jen.....love the Buddhas....Lucky you, to have sunshine Mookins...not too good here....Im going to clean out my shed no matter what the weather does....:>)
1 Sep, 2009
OoOh not the shed!! eek I done ours a week or so back, mainly me that goes in there and what a mess hehe
all in order now
sending you some sunny rays
x x x
1 Sep, 2009
Morning all...It's one of those lovely crisp September mornings here, makes you feel full of energy!
Will have to have some cookies now you've mentioned them Mookins, got me fancying them, thanks!
Good luck with the shed Motinot, should do mine really, but.........
1 Sep, 2009
I would share mine Jen but....
I have eaten them all oink oink hehe
fully energised and ready for action
x x
1 Sep, 2009
You'd better work exxxxxtra hard to work them off...I just found a Crunchie in the freezer so sneaking it in the greenhouse before the granchildren see!
1 Sep, 2009
I have to sneak chocolate too
one rustle of a wrapper and my youngest is there in seconds
right off to burn off cookie calories
x x x
1 Sep, 2009
Oh your buddhas are lovely Jun i have just bought 2 heads and now want one about 12" high.i just love them:~))))
1 Sep, 2009
I'd feel right at home in your place Jen!
1 Sep, 2009
Thanks Mobee, I used to have two heads but one 'fell' off, might have been something to do with a football I suspect!
You've done the right thing buying two though...two heads are better than one! snort snort 8-)))
1 Sep, 2009
Blaaaahhhh! Terrible joke!!
1 Sep, 2009
P.S. 12"...Don't get a 'BIG HEAD' now Mobee! (you really let me in there, sorry 8~))).
Yes Marie, I think you would, you are more than welcome anytime x
1 Sep, 2009
...and they get worse! tee hee!
1 Sep, 2009
Your rupas are lovely!!
1 Sep, 2009
Thought you might like them M, the green guy at the beginning was my birthday present. Imagine waking up to see him smiling his socks off by the bedside, had to rub my eyes I tell you!
I don't know why I'm drawn to them, but they seem to 'fit' somehow, do they all have different names or meanings, or are they all 'one'- Buddha?
1 Sep, 2009
Oooh! There are loads of Buddhas!
You have a lot of chinese ones, so I'm not sure which they represent! The heads are usually assumed to be of the historical Buddha, Shakyamuni (sanskrit name) & your sitting one with the beads I'm not certain, but I THINK it might be Amitabha, the Buddha of compassion.
In saying that, we are all one, so so are they!
1 Sep, 2009
Thanks for that M, nice to put a name to a face!
My eldest daughter often travels to China on business trips, hence the chinese ones...bless her.
The others just seem to find me, there are more than I took photo's of but these are my favourites.
1 Sep, 2009
I know what you mean! I cant resist them, but I DO get wierd looks when I stand in front of the ones I cant have for ages!!
1 Sep, 2009
I have a book called "Meeting The Buddhas" & IF I can find it, I'll check. I think you can tell who's who by the mudras (poses).
1 Sep, 2009
You stare at buddha's...I stare at banana plants, what a fine pair!
I really appreciate the info, wouldn't have a clue where to start myself, it'll help me to place them appropiately. 8-)))
1 Sep, 2009
Doesnt help me, they go where I feel they look best!
1 Sep, 2009
We are a right pair!!
1 Sep, 2009
Intuition dictates in this house too...wish you were my neighbour, I'd be over the fence painting the grass with ya!
1 Sep, 2009
Sounds good to me!!
1 Sep, 2009
1 Sep, 2009
i can see why you are drawn to them JJ, im a bit like that but havent got so many, thin k i only have two actually, but would like more
2 Sep, 2009
They'll find you San 8-))
2 Sep, 2009
Yep! My dad gave me a little figure that he saw in a junk shop, because "you like that kind of rubbish"!!
It was a rupa of the Boddhisatva that I pray to!
2 Sep, 2009
Ahhh extra special because it was your Dad that brought him to you. Bless him.
2 Sep, 2009
He got really confused when I asked if he had the rest of his arms (it was broken, but he hadnt realised, NOT that it matters)!!
Yes he's ok for an old goat! He doesnt understand or approve, but he still bought me it!
2 Sep, 2009
Quite am 'armless sort of buddha then, wouldn't hurt a fly!
2 Sep, 2009
He still had 4, but should have had 8!
But yes, as the Boddhisatva of Compassion, he wouldn't hurt a fly!! LOL!
2 Sep, 2009
8-))) BTW , I collect Elephants too. They seem to sit well together.
2 Sep, 2009
Naturally!! I only have one elly, it belonged to my great granny! Theres a big symbolic link there but cant quite put my finger on it at the mo!
2 Sep, 2009
Great Granny had taste then.
2 Sep, 2009
Its pretty ugly really! A big plaster one with a man on its back! I had a really big one, but didnt have room for it, & never thought to put it in the burach I had before I turned it into a garden!
2 Sep, 2009
Well you're not psychic are you, how could you have known.
2 Sep, 2009
I could've if I'd had the foresight to think what the garden could've looked like!
According to my granny I am!!
2 Sep, 2009
Maybe your crystal ball's a bit dusty then M, life gets foggy at times. A garden is a living thing and will evolve in it's own way....unless you just slab the lot of course.
2 Sep, 2009
NOT doing that! I'm planning a trellissy type covered area over the slabbed bit, & will grow lots & lots & lots on, up, & over it!
2 Sep, 2009
Great, you're going to use height!
It'll make your garden seem bigger, and more private for you. I love the climbing plants, we have a runner bean walkway that I'm really pleased with...lovely heart shaped leaves, stunning bright red flowers and beans dripping down like icicles.
2 Sep, 2009
That would look good, but I wouldnt eat them!! Woulld broad beans do the same? I want stuff like mangetout or sugarsnap peas next year!
I'll definitely have my cranberry bush climbing up it & the thornless blackberry that I thought was a tayberry!
2 Sep, 2009
I want a willow arch with flowers growing up it too, but not at the gate, my rowan tree babies will end up there!
2 Sep, 2009
So many wonderful ideas Marie, it'll be lovely to watch it all grow. 8-)
2 Sep, 2009
Thanks, I'm getting plants from a few people this week so the foodie bit'll be ok, but my tatties dont seem to like this weather, think they might be b******ed!
2 Sep, 2009
Hmmmm ....tatties don't swim. x
3 Sep, 2009
Exactly! They'd need to today! The bit of path I've dug out is full of water!
3 Sep, 2009
Then you have a multifunctional path... Dry=cobra...Wet=water dragon...= well cool!
what type of soil do you have there?
3 Sep, 2009
3 Sep, 2009
Yuck, us too. It's fertile mind but a devil just the same. Breaks your spade and your back when dry, sticky goo when wet.
We've added all sorts of organic material etc to improve it but it's hard going. The worst areas I gave in to, and are planted with bog plants and they're doing well, easier sometimes just to go with it x
3 Sep, 2009
Sounds like a good idea! I've been digging in sand grit & compost, but a lot of it is still boggy!
3 Sep, 2009
We used our path to improve drainage...dug down two feet, loads of sand and small gravel then topped it off with stepping stones and pebbles. It was really hard work to dig out but It's certainly helped to channel the water off the garden.
3 Sep, 2009
Sounds good, My garden slopes & where the path is, it kind of goes over a wee "hill", so I'd need to dig REALLY deep!! Mind you, if I wrapped up & did it now (not that I will!!) it'd be easier to dig out!!!
3 Sep, 2009
8-))) I don't feel like doing anything at all today,tired and the weather's not good.... just snuggled up inside.
3 Sep, 2009
Me too! I just had a shower to try to warm up,& the heating's on!
Just did a load of paperwork for VISOR Group, he needs it b4 they go on hol on monday & I've got a busy weekend!
3 Sep, 2009
What's this Visor group Marie?
5 Sep, 2009
The elephant is a sacred animal as it carried Buddha at one time, they are considered "lucky" animals, though you might not think so by the way theyre treated, Ganesh the Hindu elephant god has many arms and rules the house of plenty and luck.
NAMO BUDDHAYA to all your Buddhas , theyre great and to have SO many gathering I think you will find a way toward enlightenment either in this life or the next, good journey to you
PS the chinese as MP says have many buddhas I think the one you got for your birthday is the "Drunken Buddha" as he has a bottle in his left hand, though they are manifestations of Buddha they are charicatures of him and not 100% serious, they are rarely prayed to but rather kept as charms, none the less fun for that though!
5 Sep, 2009
I wouldn't have thought that buddha's were allowed to get drunk..... are they?
I have Ganesh the Hindu one, but he's been knocked about so many times he's lost his ears and arms...he doesn't seem to be having much luck at all (kids +football= broken Ganesh!)
I love having them around though Indy,and the elephants, maybe they'll carry me along with the Buddha's to Nirvana one day......
5 Sep, 2009
Lovely, lovely Buddah's JJ ! I have them in the garden too ... and the living room ...and the bedroom .....!!! AND I have elephants too ..... snap ! :)))
5 Sep, 2009
The reason you get fat Buddhas & drunken ones is that the aesthetics (sort of hermits who lived on a grain of rice a day & meditated 20 hours a day) were disgusted with the historical Buddha when he found the "Middle Way" & stopped starving himself & allowed himself to eat & drink! The drunken Buddha is a "joke" Buddha!!
5 Sep, 2009
Ok....well I'm glad they've got a good sense of humour, maybe that's why they all look so happy and contented.
5 Sep, 2009
Welcome to the jungle Sue (AKA MADHOUSE!) Another Nellie collecter...Indy says that they're a sacred animal because they carried the Buddha!
5 Sep, 2009
Maybe thats why we all like ellys!
5 Sep, 2009
THANKYOU Jen !! I wouldn't call it a madhouse .... more of a meeting of like minds house !!! (Next in line with the straight jacket please !)
I know a little about it Jen. I believe that there is an elephant God (?) by the name of Ganesh :)
GOSH ... been trying to submit this for 10 mins ... t'internet went down !
5 Sep, 2009
Well we did say that they seemed to go together naturally.
5 Sep, 2009
Yes, I knew there was a connection, but couldnt remember it! Wonder who MY elly's carrying???
5 Sep, 2009
5 Sep, 2009
Nah, he's black & wearing a turban! I call him Ghandi!
5 Sep, 2009
lol Ghandi it is then! 8-)))
5 Sep, 2009
Maybe Hannibal was black.....
5 Sep, 2009
Maybe!You can tell its a really old ornament, the poor man is LITERALLY black! So's the elly!
5 Sep, 2009
Hello Ladies of the Madhouse ! My internet went down .... have commented above but think you've missed it :((
5 Sep, 2009
Is he going to go in the garden ?
5 Sep, 2009
Awwwwww Sue! Sorry, technical hiccup.....Have you got Ganesh?
5 Sep, 2009
You know I really don't know Jen. Know a 'bit' ... very little 'bit' ! :)
5 Sep, 2009
better than none Sue. ;-)
5 Sep, 2009
Ganesh has lots of legs & arms, so you'd recognise him.
He's a hindu god.
5 Sep, 2009
That's it Marie.... thankyou ! :) In that case Jen, no I haven't got Ganesh ! :)
5 Sep, 2009
YW! :~)))
5 Sep, 2009
I like him, mines got a pot belly like a buddha but he's an Nelly too,
5 Sep, 2009
LOL! I have two chinese Buddhas, the Buddha of plenty who lives in the kitchen (too big for my purse!!!) & a "lazy Buddha" who is also an incense burner!
5 Sep, 2009
Best of both then :))
5 Sep, 2009
Yes Sue, double bubble!
I like burning incense, what a good idea.
5 Sep, 2009
I dont use it, I have a wee "alladin's lamp" burner!
But I have another Budhha with the burner beside it that I use!
5 Sep, 2009
Jen this is getting more spoookkkyyy by the minute !! Love smelly things .... incense, candles, oils .....yummy ! :))
5 Sep, 2009
Anyone interested in a Green curry round my blog?
5 Sep, 2009
Oooooh spot on....we're definately gathering aren't we, good to have your company ladies.
5 Sep, 2009
Yours too Jen! Is the curry hot, Indy?
5 Sep, 2009
Corrr did someone say Green Curry??????? Slurp, drool, slobber...On my way Indy, put a bottle in the fridge!
5 Sep, 2009
Me tooooooooooooooooo !!
5 Sep, 2009
Wave your wand Indy, you've got three ladies looking for a curry now!
5 Sep, 2009
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good morning to you and your buddas
1 Sep, 2009