A good year for the roses!!
By karenfrance
Well, it’s all about the roses in my garden this week!
Climbing rose, “Cocktail” was planted last year and looked really awful…until now, that is!
In fact, it looks so good that Wisteria has decided to get back in on the act!
It had a second coming last year too…
Next up, Pergola rose – a gallic rambler…another one which was so scruffy last year that I almost gave up on it!
But, looking quite magnificent now!
This is a shrub rose that I inherited from Mme. Huret…I think she might be called, “Catherine de Neuve”
She’s absolutely beautiful…
And, another inherited rambler, “Sharlachglut”, I think…
I cut this back to the ground, the year before last and it has only just decided to come back now…
I’m so glad that it did, though!
André le Notre is all over the place…
… and just divine…in every way!
Then there are the new girls…
“Sorbet Fruité”…
…this is the last of her blooms for the time being…
…hopefully, she’ll be back soon…she’s certainly looking healthy.
“Sutter’s Gold” and little carpet rose, “Nadia” have yet to show their faces…
…and I know that Monica Bellucci will run out of buds soon – but not for too long I hope…
…because she’s absolutely gorgeous!!!
I think I might have room for two more…but, it’ll have to wait until next year…what a lovely thing to look forward to!!
And I do hope that you’ve enjoyed seeing them all as much as I have! :)
27 May, 2012
Previous post: The first of the flowers!!
Next post: Taking the lid off the septic tank!
lovely and very summery like yourself :))))))))))) I do like the Sharlachglut very much Karen - but they're all superb - our roses just budding at the moment
27 May, 2012
Oh! You noticed, Paul!! May is oot - I had to change my clouts! lol!!! ;))))))))))))
The roses are going mad, here! All at once!! :))))))
27 May, 2012
Lovely roses you've got there Karen, gorgeous colours :)
27 May, 2012
You've got lots of beautiful roses Karen :o) It's been a pleasure to see them ...
27 May, 2012
All absolutely gorgeous K!!!!!!!! See you managed to squeeze a wee beastie in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
27 May, 2012
Gorgeous - all of them!
Thought that about the wee beastie too Pixi :)
27 May, 2012
Aye she's a one for them isnt she!
27 May, 2012
Thank you Suzy, Pixi, Scottish and Hywell! :)
Glad that you've enjoyed seeing them too...
...that was my first beastie of the year! (apart from that bagful of bugs - which I fed to the chickens - they thought they were dee-lish-us!!)
28 May, 2012
lovely roses Karen.! Im feeling their scent.
28 May, 2012
Lovely roses and lovely photos! Mine are good this year too - perhaps the strange weather that has badly affected everything else is TLC for roses?
28 May, 2012
Thank you, Bik...they all smell wonderful - except "Sorbet Fruité, which has no scent at all! :)
I was a bit worried when I got back, Nariz...they were covered in buds - but it looked like they were all going to be small wizened flowers. Luckily, it was only the first few which were affected.
Did you have that late "deep-freeze" too?
28 May, 2012
I had that on a few of Loves knot but now its covered in buds a lot of them open now..its the most beautiful rose but it has no scnet at all..hmm..wonder why only ceratin flowers have scent.. oh I stol a bit of honeysuckle and something else from Falkland Palace gardens..the yellow honeysuckle as such a gorgeous scent..have the cuttings in water so i hope it takes..mmmmmmmm heavenly :) oh p.s. dont tell anyone lol
28 May, 2012
Actually the price was so expensive to get in..so i dont feel guilty at all!!!!!
28 May, 2012
loads of nice colour there Karen, must be full of scent in your garden...
28 May, 2012
I think that it's shocking how much they want for that visit, Pix!!
Thanks SL! :)
but...I wish I was at that stage where I could relax for a bit and enjoy it! Too, too much digging still involved... :/
28 May, 2012
Yep..and hey when i saw your blog ttitle i thought of Elvis Costello
Love that snog :)
28 May, 2012
I know that song, Pixi...and strangely that's where this blog title came from...
I hate Elvis Costello, tho'...my ex used to play him all the time...his voice used to give me a headache...! :/
28 May, 2012
Hi , Karen , beautiful roses , not a strong point with us , we have a few , but I find it surprising that they all manage to smell slightly different ; you would know that it was a rose , but not the same smell .
( Not well explained by me , I'm afraid .)
28 May, 2012
lol Its aout the only one I like!
28 May, 2012
Ha! I know what you mean Driad...my little new one came with a label that described the perfume as 'rose citronée'...
...so...now that I've got to grips with the wine bouquet...
On to the roses! lol!
He's got such a whiny voice, Pix...I think the worst was, 'indoor fireworks'................. ;(
28 May, 2012
lol I know! Hated Oliver's army! grrr
28 May, 2012
There's one about a rose in Spanish Harlem , not by EC but quite pleasant !
By the way I think that EC writes all sorts of songs for other people , even if he does not sing well himself .
Did you see just what the Bee Gee's had written ? Just amazing !
29 May, 2012
"There is a rose in Spanish Harlem..darara, darara, darara, ra..."
Love it! Reggae version, tho', Driad! :)
The BeeGees were really amazing...spanned 40+ years - and always brilliant!!!
29 May, 2012
and there's always My love is like a red red rose\"!
beegees..not my fav but taleneted....sing up hen\!
29 May, 2012
Oooooh no.....
You really wouldn't want me to do that...honestly! :/
30 May, 2012
Hehe ;)
30 May, 2012
lol!!! :)
30 May, 2012
So would it be...
Oh my love is like a red red rose
That's newly sprung in June
Oh My-y Love is like a melody
that's never sung in tune?
30 May, 2012
30 May, 2012
Beautiful Karen.... So healthy too.
30 May, 2012
Thank you, Funguy! :)
30 May, 2012
30 May, 2012
I'd wanted that one for two years, HB...and if that late "deep-freeze" hadn't killed everything, forcing me to rethink the whole garden, I'd probably still be admiring it and wishing I had somewhere to put it. So it was a "happy accident" in the end. :)
31 May, 2012
Pity we don't have smellyvision to allow us to enjoy your early flowering roses.
31 May, 2012
Smellyvision wouldn'd work with the fruity one, Sg...not a whiff...but these old ones that I inherited, well...! :)))
31 May, 2012
I really enjoyed this blog. Beautiful roses and so well photographed too.
1 Jun, 2012
Thank you, very much, Inverglen! :)
1 Jun, 2012
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Thank you, J! (but roses are about all I have! lol!) :)
That "Cocktail", I planted in my old garden as well - and I saw it the other day - (and again without any care since I left) it was magnificent!!!!
It's a slow starter...but once it gets going...!
27 May, 2012