Katkins's Profile

About me
Still learning about gardening, we have a small garden and have only been here 3 years now, the soil is very hard to dig and we are in the process of doing the patio just outside the back door. We have made a small flower bed and our next project (when the patio is done) is to enlarge the flower bed. We have an allotment but due to the snow this year and the rain we have not managed to get there to start preparing the ground ready to plant. We have an managery of pets 1 black lab - william, who is 12 and a little jack, Arthur who is nearly 1 (we have been lucky with our Arthur as he does not dig unlike other Jacks that i know) and we have 3 cats - although the other cats in the area like our flower beds Arthur soon tells them to go away (mainly in mid squat! he he).
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Joined in Jun 2009
Country: United Kingdom