Growing Fuchsias in the Pacific Northwest (Washington State) U.S.A
By kevin_jng
Fuchsias have been a part of my nursery career since 1979 started growing baskets for school greenhouses Swingtime,Dark Eyes,Crusader,Jack Shahan were a few varieties.Little did i know what i was getting myself into now the collection has over 900 varieties and still looking for more i’m sure there is some sort of medical problem here.!! One thing i have learned here lately get all the fuchsias out of the greenhouse by june 1st. Which i have accomplished they are all in alphabetical order and healed in there pots with alder sawdust8- 12"deep in order to keep roots cool and moist.
Upright fucshias and bush type are in two gallon pots and trailing in 10" and 12"baskets and also healed in. Since putting them out new growth points have tripled ,plants look much sturdier less apt to get pests pests all most non existant so far,claims that could not be made when leaving them in the green house.The green house has been sanitized plants will be lifted after Sept. 25 cuttings will be taken then stock plants will be trimmed to encourage a “Down Time” then a wke up call around Feb.
Will work on getting some pictures on the site and the garden ………..KEVIN
18 Jun, 2010
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I love fuchsias but used to think they were an annual! Now I know better I over winter them. Wow Kevin, 900 varieties, didn't know there were anywhere near that many! Hywel. I'm impressed that you have 50 varieties. I only have a few and never remember their names.....:o)
18 Jun, 2010
Wow! Over 900 varieties. That's a real collection,but obviously takes a lot of work. I look forward to reading further blogs over the season and, I hope, to seeing more pix of your collection.
18 Jun, 2010
Hi, i too am into Fuchsia's in a big way, only prevented from getting hundreds by the size of my Gerden (probably a good thing) but i did have 73 varieties once. I now have a much more modest 40ish, trouble is when pinching out i just cant help myself and push the cutting into some compost, hence 177 cuttings growing last year, oops.
23 Feb, 2011
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Recent posts by kevin_jng
- Whats happening in the garden
25 Jun, 2010
- Martha Washington Pelergoniums also known as Regals (Part Two)
16 Jun, 2010
- Martha Washington Pelergoniums also known as Regals
11 Jun, 2010
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Fuchsia Magellanica 'Versicolor'
£9.00 at Burncoose -
Fuchsia Cordifolia
£11.50 at Burncoose -
Fuchsia Magellanica 'Alba'
£9.00 at Burncoose -
Fuchsia Magellanica 'Variegata'
£9.00 at Burncoose -
Fuchsia Procumbens
£9.50 at Burncoose
I have some fuchsias but only about 50 types. I got into growing them when a colleague of my friend sold some to her and I just keep buying them now. I like to grow some unusual ones that you can't get in ordinary garden centres. I grow most of them under a perspex shelter because we get a lot of rain and it spoils the flowers. They are very slow because our springs in Wales are cold, and I don't put them to hibernate until late November or December since we don't usually get very cold weather in the autumn.
18 Jun, 2010