One you just couldn't make up!
By kfunsters
For all the years I have been driving I have never been involved in an accident and never claimed and now, well.
Firstly in July I left my handbrake off on a hill (how stupid) and my big 4×4 rolled into a row of cars, causing lots of damage, the only blessing was nobody was hurt.
Well we had problems getting parts for my car and only this week has it gone for repair (my cars damage was superficial the others were wrecks -whoops) so I have been driving a curtosy car since i got back from Florida.
On Saturday in the ice, I was following my daughters to work, they were in a brand new seat, I turned the corner near our premises which is on a steep bank to see my daughter having trouble on ice, but she managed to miss the car infront of her and hit the kerband stop, it was at this point I realised I was in trouble and yes I went straight into the back of her in the curtosy car!.
Cann’t wait to explain it all to the insurance company and thre garage!.
Just to spice it up, my daughters car had just arrived 2 weeks before we went to Florida. We had ordered our groceries an Asda home delivey, and the delivery driver managed to reverse his van onto the back of Katies new car and it meant a new back end and this was only done last week, so she now needs another one.
Folks, you keep telling me things can only get better after so many things have recently gone so wrong, I hope this happens soon as theres no sign on the horizon yet.
I just keep laughing ( probably a sign of madness) .
Ps non of us were hurt – luckily and the girls aren’t sueing me iether! Roll on Summer.
28 Nov, 2010
Previous post: Back at home and work!
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It never rains but it pours .....
But the rain always stops sooner or later :o)
Sorry to hear of your accidents. I'm glad there were no casualties.
28 Nov, 2010
thank goodness no injuries to anyone except vehicles and they can be fixed/replaced.Hope things get better.
28 Nov, 2010
Poor you. I feel for you. But...something good will come out of it , you'll see. Keep smiling.
28 Nov, 2010
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main thing is no one got hurt.
has to get better soon :o)
28 Nov, 2010