Hail and Thunder
By kfunsters
The sky went very dark, there was a huge clap of thunder and then came the hail – oh no my poor plants.
Anybody else had extreme weather today?
After adding a lower comment I took my camera to record the damage
This sort of damage is throughout the garden – a horrible day.
11 Jun, 2011
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heck - some big hail there - so sorry about your plants - looks like winter all that ice. Had some rumbles of thunder last night but no as intense as this.
11 Jun, 2011
Goodness. Poor plants indeed.
11 Jun, 2011
Well I'm suffering from shock and a tear comes to my eye as I type this. I have jsut been out to inspect the damage and its bad (in plant terms). Leaves have been shredded, bedding plants broken off, larger plants with holes in leaves as thou they've been eaten by an army of bugs, this is throughout the garden, horrible, horrible I want to scream. The temperature has dropped so much its freezing and I'm sure some will suffer as they are now standing in ice. Awful I really hope nobody else has this problem
11 Jun, 2011
I am so sorry to hear that Kfunsters, I know how I would feel too. Not very nice here, threatening rain, very windy and cold
11 Jun, 2011
very sorry for you Kfunsters :( - I know how sad it is seeing it happen
11 Jun, 2011
the first of the 'damaged' photos shows petaite japanicus giganteus I had psoted a photo of the same leaf in my gallery, the leaf was almost 3 foot across and there were about 20 leaves - they are all shredded :-((((( and just look a mess.
11 Jun, 2011
really bad what happened - my bowles rheum was killed too by bad weather and tree lupin was crushed by pigeons - and killed by aphids anyway. very sorry about your loss
11 Jun, 2011
I would cry to Kfunstets, All the hard work you put into your garden, Its devestating. :(
11 Jun, 2011
Just returned to see the comments and can't believe the damage your lovely plants have suffered. I am so sorry to see this, Kfunsters, not a good day for you. Hope tomorrow brings you some better weather. : o ))
11 Jun, 2011
I've just been to the front of the house - oh dear my hanging baskets they were filling out nicely not any more, leaves and flowers all over the ground and just shredded leaves drooping down.
11 Jun, 2011
we had the hail on wed .............. like gob stopers !!!
i went out thinking all my roses wud be gone , but they were ok , no damage like yours , thats terrable !!!!!
it was a white carpet tho urgggggggggggg
bit of rain then sun most of the day here today . this hail seems to be traverling round .
11 Jun, 2011
Oh dear, Kfunsters, I know how you feel, the same thing happened to my garden a few weeks ago, everything looked like it had been shot with buckshot, but at least I was lucky enough to be able to cut all the damaged leaves and flowers off. It was early enough for the plants to recover, but they're all about a month behind which in the big scheme of things, really doesn't matter. I'm so sorry, Kfunsters, it just so disappointing, isn't it.
11 Jun, 2011
I am sorry to hear about the damage caused to your plants Kfunsters. Unfortunately mother nature sometimes can be very cruel. I hope your plants recover soon. Here we had a beautiful day today but heavy rain is forecast for tomorrow. I hope it will only be rain.
11 Jun, 2011
wow,what weather we are haveing,drought conditions and then this,ive got the central heating on again,its all backwards isnt it
12 Jun, 2011
Poor you! We suffered a storm like this last year - happy to say all the plants eventually recovered - even the tomato who lost a limb! Cheer up! It WILL all recover. :o)
12 Jun, 2011
Thans for all your kind comments I have been out feeding the geraniums as they really seem to have been effected. The large leafed plants will just have to be ugly until next year as there isn't anything I can really do with them.
13 Jun, 2011
its lov ely here now ............ but hevey rain all day yesterday ...............
13 Jun, 2011
Just to update - as things grew I cut back the damaged plants, I did have to replace some geraniums as the cold got to them in conclusion mid july you won't know it had happened. :-)))))))))))))))))
15 Jul, 2011
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3 Apr, 2010
Oh dear ... looks more like Winter than June! We've had a beautifully sunny day ... chilly at times but nothing as extreme as this . . . .
11 Jun, 2011