The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Kmccue07's Garden

Kmccue07 has added 0 reminders.

Plants Order by common name | botanical name | most recent

African Violet

Added on 2 May, 2009 | 1 photo

Genus: Saintpaulia.
Species: Saintpaulia.

Black pearl pepper

Added on 12 Feb, 2009 | 1 photo

Genus: Capsicum.
Species: Capsicum annuum.

I first seen this plant at the botanical gardens 2 blocks away. I spent 2 hours trying to identify it. I finally...

bleeding heart

Added on 2 May, 2009 | 1 photo

Species: Dicentras.

bountiful harvest iris

Added on 23 May, 2009 | 1 photo

Genus: Iris.
Species: iris.


Added on 14 May, 2009 | 1 photo

another clairifing tag..."cacti"

christmas cactus

Added on 2 May, 2009 | 1 photo

Species: S. bridgesii.


Added on 2 May, 2009 | 3 photos


Added on 25 May, 2009 | 2 photos

Genus: Dahlia.
Species: Dahlia Pinnata.

daylily (red)

Added on 1 Jul, 2009 | 2 photos


Added on 23 May, 2009 | 1 photo

Genus: Dianthus.
Species: dianthus.

double clamatis

Added on 23 May, 2009 | 4 photos

Dr. Alex Fleming-Deep Pink peony

Added on 14 Jan, 2009 | 0 photos

eyeball plant

Added on 21 Jun, 2009 | 1 photo

Species: Spilanthes oleracea.

grew this for entertaining the kids in the family...young and old LOL

eyeliner lily

Added on 1 Jul, 2009 | 2 photos

Species: Longiforum-Asiatic Hybrid.

Felix Supreme-Red peony

Added on 14 Jan, 2009 | 0 photos

Festiva Maxima-White peony

Added on 14 Jan, 2009 | 0 photos

fiber optic grass

Added on 14 May, 2009 | 1 photo

Species: isolepis cernua.


Added on 14 May, 2009 | 2 photos

the tag only states "fuchsia" then below it states "fuchsia hybrids" LOL that clarifies it.


Added on 21 Jun, 2009 | 1 photo

Genus: Alcea.
Species: Alcea.

Immortality Iris

Added on 23 May, 2009 | 1 photo

Genus: Iris.
Species: iris.

miniture yellow rose

Added on 30 Dec, 2008 | 1 photo


Added on 2 May, 2009 | 1 photo

Genus: Viola.
Species: viola.

peace lily

Added on 22 Apr, 2009 | 1 photo

Genus: Spathiphyllum.
Species: Spathiphyllum.


Added on 2 May, 2009 | 1 photo

Genus: Euphorbia.
Species: Euphorbia pulcherrima.

President Taft-Light Pink peony

Added on 14 Jan, 2009 | 1 photo

red wave petunia

Added on 25 May, 2009 | 1 photo

Genus: Petunia.
Species: Petunia surfinia.

Sorbet-Pink and White

Added on 14 Jan, 2009 | 1 photo

spider plant

Added on 14 Jan, 2009 | 1 photo

spider plant ‘Variegatum’

Added on 14 Jan, 2009 | 1 photo

Genus: Chlorophytum.
Species: Chlorophytum comosum.

spider plant "White Stripe’

Added on 14 Jan, 2009 | 1 photo

Genus: Chlorophytum.
Species: Chlorophytum comosum.

strawberries "early glow"

Added on 2 May, 2009 | 2 photos

Genus: Fragaria.
Species: Fragaria.


Added on 16 Feb, 2009 | 2 photos

Species: stromanthe sanguinea.

water lily

Added on 23 May, 2009 | 1 photo

Genus: Nymphaea.
Species: Nymphaea odorata.

Weigela-wine & roses

Added on 14 May, 2009 | 1 photo

Genus: Weigela.
Species: Weigela florida.