heello iot me again
By ladyroseella
well im partly in my bungalow so many things to do its a tip still things to bring down from house thou my plants r not being as caired for i ask my hubby to water them all today but wen thy get down here i dont no not on long today very tired of to shower then kip loll i miss my duck quiking to lolll nite all xxxxps my dog wonders were she is tries to get out ran down rd yesterday my hubby had to go after her i dont no were she was going brob back to other house lollll byeeee
18 May, 2012
Previous post: hi still here
Next post: moving
Nice to hear from you, keep your spirits up, it all takes time and can be very stressful, hope you are sorted soon...
19 May, 2012
thank u
20 May, 2012
Recent posts by ladyroseella
- in the bungalow
1 Jul, 2012
- moving
21 May, 2012
- hi still here
10 May, 2012
- moving still
7 May, 2012
- compost bin
6 May, 2012
- moving going ok
6 May, 2012
Moving house can be a nightmare. Hope you soon get settled.
18 May, 2012