Liasciubba's Profile

About me
here I am with my husband last august in sratford upon avon in anne hathaways cottage garden. Beutifull wild cottage garden with sweet pees, fruit garden,(I steeled a Shaekspear apple that is now dried but not pourrie) I had a nice 12 days in England with my family. We're been in London, Norwich, cromer, Birmingham, liverpool sttrford upon avon, Beautifull trip. Hope I 'm able to write enought good to let you understand what I meen. I only have asmall garden but the are two big pines and no space for flowers so I Grow plants in pot on my roof garden, it's quite big, 160 mt it runs around tree sides on the flat house. Have a lot to hide the view of a garage downstais and some ugly buildings too. My husband this year buitl me a wood pergola tre mt high , 6x6mt quitr big and now I need fast growing ramblers for some shame! Howere there will be shade the year in Italy! June and raing that's good for watering) but still a bit cold around 15 ° in the morning and 20° in afternnon. who can give me tips for plants? I just sow many ipomee, cardinal bells and asarina, but the are still germinating! need my sons help to pulish pics ten I'll show you! I also have a few climbing roses, mermaid, sombreil, generous gardener,and the gertrude jekkil, but they are still babies from last year, about 1,5 mt tall.
I'm enjoing this comunity, but I did'nt anderstud jet how to use application well: I'm not to old, I'm 52 but I'm not tecnolocica. Facebook is easyer to use! In italiano: chi persevera vince! Bye bye!
OMG! I made many mistakes with the keybooard of pc.
I'm a mess!
Anothing I love of England is absolutily DAVID BOWIE!
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Joined in Jun 2013
Country: Italy
County/State: Abruzzo