black tip fungus
By lilape152
Black Tip Fungus
i have battled black tip for a long time on many of my plumerias. any one who has a few plumerias knows it can be fatal to young ones and a large setback to older more established trees. i only have one type of plumeria i have had to throw away many times due to its black tip outbreaks, that would be the Signapore Obtusa. i absolutly love the idea of having a everygreen plumeria but everytime i get one within a year or two its gone, to black tip, against what i usually like to do i spray it with fungicide it still charges forwards eventually rotting my entire plant. but this year i have been able to keep it at bay and have a signapore obtusa that is willing to put up a fight. it has gotten black tip twice and both times has been able to re-grow and branch back to life!!!! i am hoping this will be the one, the one that can survive black tip and fill my yard almost year around with its lovely lemon scented flowers!!!! i will keep you posted!!!
21 Sep, 2009
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Neem is an anti-fungal: wonder if it would work? Mine tended to rot at the base when I was rooting them.
21 Sep, 2009
I feel uncomfortable with the amount of times you have mentioned only 'Neem'. I know Neem is being market aggessively in the USA Orgatis.
It claims (unsubstantiated) and I quote to:
"A natural insect repellent
A safe pesticide
A fertilizer
A skin care ingredient
A contraceptive
A medicine with hundreds of different uses...
It makes your bathroom tiles sparkle and adds flavour to exotic stir frys" and you have now add fungiside!
As you mention it so many times and so as not to lead to any misunderstanding do you perhaps have a connection/interest in this company?
21 Sep, 2009
what is 'neem'? i am confused, and no i do no work for any company, i am still a student.
21 Sep, 2009
Lilape the question is for Orgratis.
21 Sep, 2009
It's an Indian plant Lilape called Azadirachta indicata.
Used in a cosmetic/medicinal manner.
21 Sep, 2009
ohhhh thanks you guys
21 Sep, 2009
Sorry Darcy, heard so much about this tree that I put one in my garden in Florida. Related to Chinaberry, which may have similar properties. Very fast growing, soft wood, abit messy, cold hardy to maybe 20 or 30 degrees F, so sub tropical, widely grown in India (where it is sacred to the goddess and called the toothbrush tree). I am very keen on this as a natural pesticide for scale, aphids, white flies, etc as it does not harm beneficials like bees: only those bugs which suck and chew. I have absolutely no commercial interest in Neem products, marketed as Bio-Neem or whatever. It is a good anti-fungal for black spot, and anti- bacterial for periodontal disease.
23 Sep, 2009
Your certainly a good advocate for it Orgatis I would be worried about putting something that cleans bathroom tiles in my mouth or food though?
23 Sep, 2009
I use a tea tree and neem toothpaste made by Desert Essence (I have no commercial interest in DE!) as I have had plaque buildup and periodontal disease, teeth pulled, etc. My dentist is impressed with the results. The health food stores sell various brands with neem additives. Pyrethrum (painted daisy) is also used as a "natural" insecticide but I don't know if it discriminates between pests and beneficials or just kills all bugs. I certainly wouldn't ingest pyrethrum as it's toxic to cats & other mammals.
23 Sep, 2009
Neem oil is a very good anti-fungal and used widely here in California as a natural rememdy. The tree is sold and grows very well in California. It has many uses.
I have the same problem some winters with my large Plumeria obtusa 'Singapore', especially if it's cool and damp. The best solution to black tip fungus is to put the plants in full hot all-day sun. It is the best cure.
25 Sep, 2009
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- Seedlings: Plumeria, Cassia, Delonix Regina
21 Sep, 2009
- My Yard
20 Sep, 2009
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9 Aug, 2009
I hope you're successful this time Brendan. It must be making you feel quite frustrated when the disease keeps coming back and killing your plants all the time. Good luck !
21 Sep, 2009