Lin28's Profile

About me
I live in Essex but originally from London where we had a back yard. I wont say how old I am but I do have a bus pass - I love pottering about in my garden - love to see the garden change with each season - love daffodils, roses, sweet peas and so many other beautiful flowers - I grow some veg - I think tomatoes from the garden taste fantastic - I grow carrots, courgettes also rhubarb and raspberries - this year we are giving the potato a go - I have picked up a little knowledge over the years but there is so much I dont know - This year we have joined the RHS (Hyde Hall) we visit often - so beautiful even on the coldest day. I want to thank my lovely sister-in-law sheil15 for recommending growsonyou.
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Joined in Mar 2012
Country: United Kingdom
County: Essex