lovely weekend in the garden!
Had a great summer weekend in the garden with family building a climbing frame for our boys.Takes up to much of my garden but family has to come first for a few years!thinking maybe I can add a border round the legs !
We were joined by this little fellow who looked on while we worked and has taken up residence now in a shady border!Does anyone know the name of this blue flowering plant?I bought at a boot fair but no label and I also have a white one coming into blossom?
14 Jul, 2009
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Great climbing frame, bet the boys will love it. Children, especially boys, and plants are not very compatible in my experience so I think I'd give the border round the legs idea a miss for a few years!. Let them do their worst with the garden until you can reclaim it. Frustrating, I know, for an eager gardener but much better than seeing all your efforts get trampled on or smashed by footballs!!
14 Jul, 2009
Yes agreee with you Lily2 - hubby & my boys used to play football with a space hopper - nothing survived that! Enjoy the boys having fun on their frame LLB - the time goes all too quickly
14 Jul, 2009
yes you are all right on the border idea!I will have to make do with my front garden until they are twenty and allowed out to play in the front!thankyou for naming my new flower!
14 Jul, 2009
Well I liked plants when I was a little boy and so did my brother. We were both given part of the garden to grow things in and we loved it. We also played games there and climbed the trees aswell. I think children need to be encouraged to grow things while still being allowed to play about. Why don't you try to do that ? It seems you're taking the easy way out.
15 Jul, 2009
hello Blodyn yes I can see your point and I do want my boys to respect the garden and learn about it!I am proud to say my two yearold can bring anyone of five herbs that I ask him for!He has also cared for our sweet peas!Liking them to the great beanstalk!
15 Jul, 2009
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13 Jul, 2009
Hi Lindaloganberry!
Your blue plant is an Agapanthus & looks lovely - loves the sun & does well if the roots are constricted (good in tubs too) I love your visitor too. My cat (Pushkin) found one the other day and between her trying to play with it & me trying to catch it Hubby was in fits of laughter (no help though!) did manage to save froggy for another day.
Maybe when the boys are older you could manage a few climbers too???
14 Jul, 2009