Lindalooloo's Profile

About me
Hi, pleased to meet you all. I'm married with two adult daughters and two granddaughters 15 and 3 1/2 and a grandson who's 11. I live in Swansea and have what i think is a nice size garden. i'm new at this computer stuff so you'll have to forgive any and all errors. my daughter has been letting me use her laptop but i'm afraid to use it without supervision incase i do something to it, for which i'll regret as she uses it for her work. Now to save herself from me hassling her, lol, she has lent me her netbook to play with. she says it's too slow for her so it should be ok for me, ha ha! I finished work about a year ago so i've had more time to spend in the garden. I've lived in my house for 36-37 years and over the years I've done various things with the garden layout, but while I was working, I was limited to how much time I could spend outdoors. Years ago when we first moved into the house the garden soil was mostly clay. We wanted lawns for my eldest daughter to play and my Dad told us to fill the garden with potatoes to help break up the soil so it would be easier to work with and from there on we've either had lawns, or lawn and veg plot. Then about 3-4 years ago my husband wasn't very well so we decided to lawn one side and chip bark the other side, with a shrub and flower border around edge. Guess what? last year he decided he missed his runner beans, so we've ended up pulling some of the lining back off the bark side of the garden in 2 places so we can plant beans one end and onions etc the other. ha ha! Well! that's about me for now, but will keep in touch. Bye for now. Lindalooloo. x
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Joined in May 2010
Country: Wales
County: Swansea. West Glamorgan.