Lisa58's Profile

About me
I live in Pennsylvania, USA, and have been a gardening addict for 15-20 years now. Moved into a large home and property almost 3 years now. Waited a year to touch anything in the garden (just to see what might grow). All the shrubs were in horrible condition and at least 30 years old, ill-pruned and half dead. After the first year, I had everything ripped out and started again with a blank canvas. The only thing I kept was the wonderful weeping ornamental cherry tree out front. Love the buds, blooms, and leaves. I have added a handful of small shrubs around house foundation, but mainly I love perennials and have filled every empty space with perennials of some sort! Still working on this-hope to add some trees in the next few years. :)
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Joined in Nov 2009
Country: United States