LIttlek's garden exploits
By littlek
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Sunday 26th April
Finally dug out the big clump of deep-rooted intrusive perennial leafy green weeds. Don’t know what they are, but am gradually getting rid of them. No good snapping them as they just grow back.
Planted seeds for Sweet Pea, Black-eyed Susan (from Susan), Rose Tremiere (given to me by French exchange colleague) and pink poppies (from Redtabby’s garden). Since I’ve never succeeded in planting seeds (except Sweet Peas sown in situe) before, I’m determined it’s going to work this time. Have put just a few seeds in each mini-pot – more manageable?
Chopped back brown bits on winter jasmine. Tied in Clematis Armandii, which grown into the Magnolia – a time-consuming but fun job, working out how to un-spaghetti the intertwined tendrils…
Can’t stop gazing at the rock bed – took a photo to put on here.
21 Aug, 2009
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I always sew sweet peas in the autumn too. They come earlier than if you sew them in the spring.
23 Aug, 2009