Winter 2012/13...and the spring flood.
By lorilyn57
Our winter, here in Matawatchan, started out on the strange side…and just kept getting more bizarre. December was warm (relatively) we had three thaws in January/February….but March, was schizo! We got more snow in that month than in the previous three put together. by the end of the month we were certain that spring would be just around the corner…but once again we were disappointed. April has finally seen the melting begin and there is still a drift or two but we have had unceasing strong arctic winds…COLD. Today was the first day that we had temps in the double digits C. and considering how much snow we had it’s probably a good thing that we didn’t have an early springmelt like last year! We would be boarding the ark! The stream is roaring along and my work last summer/autumn has paid off. I am able to rake away the remains of the long grasses and dead weeds. It looks a terrible mess in the pictures. The clumps and hummocks of grasses that have been growing out of control in previous seasons are still frozen into the stream banks and I’m using that to keep from sinking to my hips in muck! I can rake away the dead stuff…Man, what a compost heap I’m going to have this year! Have started digging a new channel which gives me an island in the stream. Hoping to enlist a neighbour with a backhoe to deepen the ditch and enlarge the pond. I’m hopeful that I’ll have a duck pond by the end of summer. fingers crossed. Looking for Iris roots..need tons of them to help fill in the verges of the pond…along with root cuttings for cattails which will anchor the berms at the streamside. Have found a lovely clumping water grass that has hollow leaves!…and another which has white margins on very stiff dark green leaves…gorgeous. They have been growing there, as I said above, unchecked! It’s heavy sloggy, dirty (not to mention mucky) work but I’m enjoying it. Getting some exercise after a long sedentary winter is wonderful.
Tomorrow I will add pics of the “water-works”. I was surprised to find that I hadn’t taken any yet! Imagine that? LOL… ;-)
19 Apr, 2013
Previous post: *Gardening Journal - Autumn 2012*
Next post: Winter 2012/13...and the spring flood, Part II
Its been weird everywhere I think for the past few years, spring here is at least three weeks behind and as Diane says we have eventually had warm south westerlys after months of icy northeasterly but the winds have been very strong and caused quite a bit of damage to green houses fences etc.
Lets hope we are all going to have a pleasant summer.....please......
19 Apr, 2013
Too busy working to take pics eh lori? I know the feeling! Your plans sound great...sorry you've had a very similar winter to us but a lot more extreme of course. It's been soooooo long, and freezing until this last week. Thank heavens spring is here at last!
19 Apr, 2013
Thats an awful lot of snow! Im amazed you seem to have a similar weather pattern to ours!
all the best lori ~ here is hoping spring will come soon!
19 Apr, 2013
They are lovely pics Lori but I do not think I could cope with that amount of snow, I s'pose its what one is used to, pleased you haven't needed the Ark, lol, you are a glutton for punishment by the sounds of your plans although I quite like the idea of a duckpond and have no doubt that we will soon be seeing it in one of your future blogs.
Lovely to hear from you Lori, take care and enjoy your garden this year....
19 Apr, 2013
so glad spring has started springing for you..stunning pics Lori....:-)
20 Apr, 2013
You sound as though you are coming out of hibernation at long last Lori I hope you managed a good long rest in readiness for all the work you have planned for this year , the sun is shining beautifully here today but no sign of the Arisaema triphylum you kindly sent me perhaps it's to early yet :o)
20 Apr, 2013
think we all get wacky weather these days Lori but you certainly have had your share of snow, hope it all goes soon and you can enjoy your garden and forest area again :o))
20 Apr, 2013
thanks for your support, everyone! ...I'm so fed up with cold weather I'm almost irrational. It's 7:oo a.m. and Rufus and I have made a circuit of the property for our pre-breakfast exercise. Hub has been waiting for buds on "his trees"...and so far it's just more frosty mornings. I made a halfhearted attempt at sugaring this year...have made about a gallon. That will have to do as the trees need the sap more than I do. Last summer was very dry and they are trying to recoup. The tulips are just emerging and the little crocus are sign of the narcissus yet. I hope the chipmunks and voles haven't eaten them. It is early for the Arisaema, Amy. I hope it has established itself. Nice to think that there's a little Canadian Jack enjoying an English spring. I finally got around to posting another blog, Karensusan. This one is about the water! It took me so long to get out my camera because it was just so depressingly cold! Still is... oh well the warmth has to get here someday. Will just have to be patient...grrrrr. :-)
22 Apr, 2013
That last comment on Earth was freezing...and it's still very cool at night; but, I'm happy to say that we have had a week or so of HOT to warmish weather!..our spring comes-all-in-a-rush! The stream crested at it's highest point since we've been here but all is well and the water is still running high. They've had serious flooding in Bracebridge and Huntsville but here in the eastern part of Ontario we've had highwater but thankfully no damage to roads or property.
4 May, 2013
Recent posts by lorilyn57
- Winter of the Deer
15 Jan, 2014
- Late Autumn/Early Winter 2013
13 Jan, 2014
- June to August 2013...The Summer that almost wasn't
30 Dec, 2013
- The Reluctant Spring ... 2013
4 May, 2013
- Winter 2012/13...and the spring flood, Part II
19 Apr, 2013
- *Gardening Journal - Autumn 2012*
12 Nov, 2012
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Heres hoping the temperatures rise to enjoyable levels, you certainly deserve some lovely days.
As you will see by the blogs, we have had gale force winds here, nobody very happy, especially members with greenhouses.
Feverfew will probably find a poem to give you new heart.
19 Apr, 2013