Garden Centres Giving Wrong Advice.
By louise1
With a couple of shrubs on my list i went to my nearest garden centre today.
It’s a Wyevale and i always thought the staff there gave fairly reasonable advice but today …….. they’ve really, really infuriated me.
I bought a lovely variegated Ilex aquifolium, ‘Ferox Argentea’.
I’d considered its height, width and shape aswell as checking it would have berries …… but as it didn’t say it did i had to check it, – it had flowers and i presumed they’d be followed by berries.
I’d originally wanted a self fertile one knowing that berries only occured on them and i thought males, so, i popped it into the trolley and headed to the cash desks – via a familiar member of staff to double check about the berries it would produce.
“Yes it has berries, after those flowers have finished” she said, so i happily paid and left.
I now find out that it does NOT have berries at all
Cross and irritated are not the words !
Infact the more i think about it the angrier i get and it’ll be marched straight back there as soon as i can get there.
Does this happen to anyone else or ‘is it me’ ?
It’s just not on, is it ?
31 Oct, 2009
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Louise personally I think it is unreasonable to expect most garden centre staff to have a clue what they are talking about, they are, mostly, not trained in horticulture and only know what it says on the plant label.
If you had checked beforehand you would have discovered that this particular ilex has been 'bred' and does not have a female hence no berries. Both male and female ilex have flowers - pretty insignificant in the males case and particularly in the case if this ilex which is grown for its leaves.
31 Oct, 2009
i know exactly what you mean louise. it drives me mad too. I would take it back and be cheeky enough to ask for something to pay for the petrol etc. I have done this and got a tray of 6 pansies for my trouble. Make sure you have evidence for it not having berries ie book or printed page of web site.
31 Oct, 2009
Good ideas SBG
31 Oct, 2009
I'm with you on this one Louise - each Wyevale branch, in particular, has someone who is a plantsperson - the one who orders all the plants and knows what they all are. Unfortunately, some are better than others - we had a great New Zealander at our Wyevale for 4 years , and he really knew his stuff. He's now left and been replaced by someone who, quite frankly, appears to know very little and isn't as helpful or intelligent.
I was at a branch of Squires recently - they had a beautiful blue "perennial" for sale (can't remember the name) that I'd never heard of - being an old cynic, I went to their book section and looked it up in the RHS encyclopaedia - not there, so then I found the plant person who assured me blithely that it was definitely a hardy perennial and it was in the RHS book. No, said I, and she looked and it wasn't, then went on line at my insistence, found it, half hardy in Britain. When I said why is it labelled hardy then, she had the cheek to say that as winters in Britain were now so mild, they were justified in calling it hardy! Yes, well, what can I say - exhausting, half an hour arguing to be proved right, not my idea of fun, really. Infuriating though.
31 Oct, 2009
Sorry still think it is down to us as buyers to check before we buy!
31 Oct, 2009
It's OK saying " if you had checked beforehand " MG...and of course you are dead right ....BUT what if you had found something NOT planned beforehand! An impulse buy - that seemed to fit the bill but wasn't known to you and you needed to know more....then of course you should hope to find somebody who does know. Easier said than done nowadays.
Having said which I guess a check-out lass isn't ones best bet either !!!
I would sure return it and ask for your money back if you can't find one that does berry and... as SBG suggests - take a book with you as Ilex are notoriously difficult to sort out!
31 Oct, 2009
Alz. this is why Mr MB and I don't 'impulse buy' unless we really know wha it is we are buying...
31 Oct, 2009
Fortunately our Wyvale employs a few "walking encyclopedia"
31 Oct, 2009
~you are lucky AmbleAlice~we used to have someone knowledgable but they don't pay them enough really~ if they are clued up they probably have a better job somewhere else!
31 Oct, 2009
Moongrower, I totally disagree with your comment above. Louise had done her research and was double checking and was told what she wanted to hear.
31 Oct, 2009
Some Garden Centres are better than others for information. The Wyevales near me (both of them) are cr*p and I wouldn't trust what any of the staff in there tell me. But I know other members of GOY have nothing but praise for their local branch so it definitely all depends on the staff they employ.
A friend of mine who works at an independent GC went for a job interview at a Wyevale; for the same position she would receive 33% less than her current salary. If you pay peanuts....
31 Oct, 2009
Plus it's fun sometimes to be impulsive, MG
31 Oct, 2009
Let's face it, we go along with our list of preferred plants and occasionally have to compromise depending what they have in stock at that time.
31 Oct, 2009
You're right there Dawnsaunt, and how annoying is it when you can't get what you want - used to be able to 20 years ago, if they didn't have it, they'd order it for you. Not all progress, is it.
31 Oct, 2009
Hi Bamboo, it seems like they just want you to buy what they have, which is only natural I suppose. We have a local garden centre that 'grow their own' but of course the choice is then limited. I do my research, decide exactly what suits me, go to a big, reputable garden centre and then, of course, they dont have it :-(
31 Oct, 2009
~ if you can find a small local nursery with a good range ~or alternatively a rare plants fair?Otherwise ebay or online sellers like Burncoose etc can usually provide what you want and really good plants.
31 Oct, 2009
I like to shop on impulse sometimes and some of the good things in my garden have been impulse buys and this applies to impulse presents to carnt plan them.
31 Oct, 2009
'If... big 'if Mr MB and I impulse buy a plant I do not expect the GC to be responsible. Here on GoY we all have our special areas of knowledge.. how and why can we expect garden centre staff being paid beans to know the growing habits of every plant!
They will, in my experience, tell you what they think you want to hear! A little bit more questioning can often unveil the fact that they don't have clue! Personally I never bother asking them anything.. It is 'blue moon' rare for us to buy anything from these set-ups and if we do it is only something we are absolutely certain of.
It wasn't that long ago we had a wifie from B&Q wanting answers for her exam... they are none of them trained in my opinion. You either buy from specialists who know their subject(s) or you take your chances...
Sorry if I am upsetting folk I certainly don't want to but, the chain garden centres push out cheap plants, if you know what you want and you are happy with the quality go ahead and buy - otherwise don't.
31 Oct, 2009
"cheap" plants? I wish - they're always more expensive because they sell them in flower, that's what's so annoying. But I know why, they need to make a profit and they don't otherwise
31 Oct, 2009
I totaly agree with the sentiments of Moongrower on this and not just because she is Mrs MB.
If you buy from a garden center, and we do at times, you buy cheap plants from a shop whose staff are paid minimum wage or thereabouts. They have a fraction of the knowledge that I have and I am not trying to boast about that, I do not consider myself an expert.
I remember overhearing exchanges between customer and staff relating to the height of a particular plant. Bright lad staff says to customer "... and what height do you want the plant to grow to, madam, oh yes, this is just perfect for your requirements"!
Personally, I prefer to buy from small nurseries where I can speak to the grower (rather than the seller) and get more relable advice.
31 Oct, 2009
Being a low paid and lowley GC staff member I have to say that no, we don't know the answers to all questions. I'll be the first one to say that I know next to nothing about plants and trees.
However, there is nothing wrong with allowing your staff members to say "I'm sorry. I don't know, but if you would like I can look up the answer for you" or "I'll let you talk to B____y who is our horticulturalist. She has more knowledge than I do about this [plant, tree]. Just one moment and I'll find her for you".
Whether it is the GC who don't want their employees saying "I don't know" or whether it is the employee not wanting to appear daft, I don't know.
Our GC is a small private one. Not one of the big chains. I agree that the staff in the big chains don't even know how to count change back to you let alone how to grow anything.
1 Nov, 2009
The member of staff i asked is one of the senior plant advice staff.
If i'd been told "sorry, i don't know", it would have been just fine because i'd have postponed buying it and done more research.
I really did think males had berries.
1 Nov, 2009
There's nothing cheap about Wyevale Bulbaholic.
I agree with you about our 2 branches Andrew, only use for basic items when in a hurry, shrubs especially are poor, expensive and limited. As for knowledge, even I know more than they do so YOU could most definitely give them some lessons! Fancy a part time job for peanuts??
Impulse buys? .....of course....lots (elsewhere), but what's wrong with taking a chance sometimes......some you win and some you lose, makes gardening fun especially the winning!
1 Nov, 2009
Oh what a shame, Louise! This is the 'Hedgehog Holly', isn't it? It's a male cultivar, and there isn't a female, hence it won't get berries. makes a very prickly hedge, though....vicious!
Ilex confuse me, always have. The breeders don't make it any easier, though. I remember wondering why 'Golden King' was a female, and 'Silver Queen' was a how daft is that? Guaranteed to confuse.
I have loads of holly trees and bushes here, and only one of them gets berries....and to be honest as soon as they're 'out' the blackbirds snaffle them, so I've given up even imagining holly berried branches in the house for Christmas!
1 Nov, 2009
Totally with you on the Ilex "maze" Bscott...dreadful confusion and like you - my trees occasional berry but damned if I ever get a look in - for one thing my trees are too big for me to reach any berries and the blackbirds just sit up there and laugh - I swear they do!!
As for impulse buys - of course we all have a weak moment - especially when away visiting some new nursery - or re-visiting ones I do with friends who take me to specialist nurseries where occasionally the owner is not around to ask questions....then of course risks are taken!!
It must be great to be so disciplined and NOT do rash things...but what the H.....what is life if you can't enjoy a bit of a frisson once in a while. Like you say Lily....some you get right ..and the fun is in trying!!
1 Nov, 2009
Our local GC is regularly looking for staff... Mr MB wouldn't consider applying as he'd be selling poor quality badly grown plants to folk who don't know an better. h and ours is a private GC too. We once met two of our neighbours there, neither of whom is particularly plant knowledgeable, Maddy was carting around the RHS encyclopedia... Mr MB and I both thought it slight odd but then realised it was probably the only way they would get good info! We've taken them to task occasionally when they are doing something seriously daft but they don't take any notice. Right now their plant stock is minimal as they are pushing Christmas decorations - as usual!
1 Nov, 2009
This branch of Wyevale is a really good one. They have a copy of the RHS A-Z in their Plant Centre Info. place, as well as loads of other ref. books. It's a great shame that this (usually) knowledgeable assistant didn't check up first, before anwering you, Louise!
We are only human, and we are not walking encyclopaedias! How were you to know, with all the Ilex confusion there is?
I've asked questions in there before, when I've seen a great plant - and they've used the net to find out!
I really think you should take it back and complain.
1 Nov, 2009
I would like to qualify my remarks as applying to garden centres that buy in everything they sell rather than nurseries that also buy in some plants. If they grow some of their own stock then there are staff there who do know something.
I have no problem with staff who say that they don't know an answere and would be impressed if they did do a book or web search for me. My experience is that this is likely to happen in the nursery type garden centres but not the 'buy it all in' ones.
1 Nov, 2009
While I agree that GC Staff do not know everything about all plants, I would expect a modicum of knowledge from them. My 'final straw' with Wyevale was this -
Me: do you sell cold frames?
Assistant: what's a coal frame?
1 Nov, 2009
Enough said.
1 Nov, 2009
Like that one Andrew
1 Nov, 2009
lol, Andrew! When I first started gardening, I asked where the Geraniums were in our garden centre - he pointed me towards the Pelargoniums .... and confessed (when I tackled strongly) he didn't know that cranesbills were Geraniums - but he was just an assistant, it has to be said.
1 Nov, 2009
Like andrew I expect some knowledge of a product. I dont expect electrical chain stores to know all about the cooker I am think of buying but I would be cross with miss leading advise/labelling why should GC be any different?
1 Nov, 2009
Half the staff at our local one seem to be young people who really do not have any knowledge at all. This is especially true at the weekend, presumably they are school children working at weekend who have no interest in plants at all.
1 Nov, 2009
You're quite right to be annoyed Louise. Staff in a garden c. should be able to give the correct information and advice. I think you should bring it to their attention.
1 Nov, 2009
Oh dear, I think I shouldn`t mention in my blog that I work for Wyevale. I might be strung up! Seeing as I obviously know nothing perhaps I`d better not advise customers in future! :o(( You are right though Louise, take the plant back, you would certainly get a refund at our centre.
Sandra x
1 Nov, 2009
Don't worry, Labdancer - this Wyevale that Louise and I both frequent is normally excellent! It's such a shame that the assistant was wrong this time - we've both had good advice there, and the care they give to their plants is also usually good - let alone the displays!!!! They are very, very tempting. :-))
1 Nov, 2009
Oh dear Sandra......I hesitate to ask what part of Berkshire you work/live in.......... :o))
1 Nov, 2009
Garden centres are mostly plant supermarkets!
3 Nov, 2009
Quite agree Antigone....and a "Buyer Beware" sign should be posted above most!!! Having said that we do have one or two where the owner and his helpful staff do their utmost to advise and so far - to my albeit limited knowledge - have done so correctly!
It is the staff in the big named ones that are the worst offenders I have found as they are just paid to sell...and couldn't really care about anything apart form their pay-packets!! I will have set you all off again!
3 Nov, 2009
My local garden centre has been christmasified since September.... went to look for broad bean seeds this week and they were relegated to a cardboard box behind musical santas and other 'tasteful' seasonal gifts! I knwo they have to make a living and posibly this time of year is not when they have their largest inflow of cash... but I'd like to feel it was a haven of normality from the consumer madness of the high street!
3 Nov, 2009
Quite agree A.G....I object to having the seed and bulb racks displaced by nasty upside down black and brown so-called Xmas trees and grottos of baubles jangling out Carols.... literally months before the time. Bah Humbug..I'll stay at home and do my shopping on least until the New Year!
3 Nov, 2009
This is one of my objections to (most) garden centres. They are garden centres/coffe shops when it suits them and then they become christmas junk markets.
3 Nov, 2009
I really hate the fact that come mid September the garden centres turn themselves into Santa's Grottos in the making! I am particularly miffed with our local, privately owned one, as his original planning application did not allow for this. Mt MB and I went along in mid September hoping to buy some spring cabbage plants having forgotten to grow any... plants - we couldn't even find seeds!
The owner, whom we know, claims that without the coffee shop and all the tat nick-nacks he couldn't keep going... Frankly I think this is B.S.!
3 Nov, 2009
I want to add a caveat that Mr MB and I do know nurseries that continue to be such throughout the year. That said they are all specialists, one of our local alpine nurseries does branch out into holly wreaths nearer Christmas but not this total onslaught on tackiness!
3 Nov, 2009
~ You should see how much is given over to Christmas paraphernalia every year at our local Wyevale ~ everything gets pushed aside to make way for it~ I wouldn't care but there are usually loads left in the sales so why do they do it?.
There is someone there who does up lovely seasonal baskets and containers however and they fly through the door!
One of the saddest things is when the independents are taken over by Wyevale and lose their individuality~ haven't been back to see what happened to Heighleygate but fear the worst!
3 Nov, 2009
Our local garden centre turns 90% of its sales area over to Christmas 'stuff'... There are grottos for this that and the next thing - little Christmas mountain railways through a little Victorian or alpine Christmas village; full size, or large deer, snowmen... you name it - grrr and YUK!
3 Nov, 2009
From a personal point of view, I think aetheists ought to strike back - this Crimbo malarky has got completely out of hand. All Christmas paraphernalia should be banned until 1st December and then only displayed between the hours of 9am and 5pm on weekdays in specially licensed premises. And if you want to take the kids to see Santa, take them to Lapland.
3 Nov, 2009
I agree Andrew... When did it all start so early? The supermarkets start off with cards and the like in early September... Last time I visited the local Tesco, which is, in theory a food store, it had more space given over to Halloween, Guy Fawkes and Christmas than anything else... GRRRRR
If we actually look at what Christmas is supposed to be celebrating then all the crap is just that CRAP! I'm happy to celebrate the return of the light to the northern hemisphere - heck we need something to celebrate in mid winter but the celebration of the solstice is completely different to Christmas.
Oh and bah, humbug to all! lol
3 Nov, 2009
I take your point, Andrew, but must just point out that all the crimbo hullabaloo we're moaning about here is absolutely nothing to do with Christianity, and everything to do with mammon
4 Nov, 2009
Andrew, Moon grower, i agree entirely.
4 Nov, 2009
Ooops, nearly forgot why i came here !
I returned said plant and exchanged it for Ilex lawsoniana, a beautiful variegated non prickly plant.
It was exchanged in just a few minutes and all's well that ends well.
4 Nov, 2009
Good news Louise... enjoy your new Ilex.
Bamboo I agree that the hullabaloo has nothing to do with Christianity and everything to do with a world gone mad trying to make money out of something which is meant to be very simple.
4 Nov, 2009
Hear hear.
4 Nov, 2009
Delighted to hear that sanity prevailed Louise and you got what you originally wanted....good outcome.
It has been an enlightening blog....and a lot of very valid points made....including the emphasis nowadays being on mamon as versus very true ...and how very sad.
4 Nov, 2009
I am a Christian, and I agree that all the tacky stuff is totally mammon-ish. I get really annoyed when I look for Christmas cards and can't find any with a religious theme!
I like Christmas Eve - because I go to church and remember the true meaning of Christmas! Otherwise, I do like to have a tree, but you can forget all the tinsel and glitter! SOOOO much money's spent on it, too!
4 Nov, 2009
I worry about families on a tight income trying to give their children what is these day regarded as a 'proper Christmas'
4 Nov, 2009
What do you think of the people who cover their entire houses (outside!) with coloured lights, inflatable snowmen, Santa and his sleigh etc etc from October onwards?
4 Nov, 2009
Oh, have you been round looking at MY house then Spritz? LOL
4 Nov, 2009
Oooohhhh noooooo.....don't tell me I've opened my mouth and put my foot in it! LOL.
4 Nov, 2009
Just teasing Spritz, you can take your foot out now - must be very uncomfortable!! LOL
4 Nov, 2009
Mbmrtmbtmmbrmmmnn, Lily! Thanks! LOL. Ah - that's better! :-D
4 Nov, 2009
I agree Spritz...can't stand these cascades of blue(and many other colours) flashing lights running down houses and I find all these "keeping up with the Jones's" lurid lighting systems very distracting when driving too. Horrid things....must cost a packet too...but look cheap and nasty...terrible waste of cash and energy...both kinds!! Now then - that's what you call opening your mouth and letting your belly rumble!!! And no doubt I will get shot down in flames - but really - it is not what Xmas is all about.
4 Nov, 2009
Oh HOW I agree!!! Now we're both in trouble, Alz!
4 Nov, 2009
Then I am in good company!!!
4 Nov, 2009
4 Nov, 2009
There was a house bang beside the A96 (Inverness to Aberdeen trunk road) not far from us that put up so many flashing light folk thought it was an accident scene and it nearly caused accidents too... they were told to tone it down - I'd have told them to take the whole bloody lot down. I don't understand it myself.
5 Nov, 2009
Me neither, i loathe it.
5 Nov, 2009
:o((((( from me too!
5 Nov, 2009
Now that WILL cause a riot!!
Seriously though....I totally understand about it looking like there has been an of the local housing estates here became a real hazard course what with blinding streams of flashing lights and cars parked higgledy piggledy (How does one spell that!!!) up on pavements for the night etc. Driving through it was a real nightmare.
5 Nov, 2009
Well, I;m going to be the dissenting voice on this one - I'm no longer Christian, and tend to treat Christmas now as the original pagan midwinter festival it always was, long before Christianity, but I love all the lights (though I must confess I'm not too keen on plastic snowmen, etc.) and particularly like white lights on houses - I find it delightful during that very dark, dull time of year to see them, they're so cheery. And tinsel, love it, anything that twinkles and sparkles, I'll be there, as long as its not just pound shop tat. And I like the coloured lights people put in their trees outdoors - sorry, guess you're all going to hate me now!
5 Nov, 2009
Okay.....I'll put in my two cents worth.....I like my row of little coloured lights that go along the eaves on the front of the house. They don't flash...they are just there. And I have a lighted star that goes in the front window.
My lights don't go up until after December 1st and they are turned off 12 days after Christmas.
To me, living in Canada anyway, a few coloured lights on the fronts of houses signifies the Christmas season. I love driving around and seeing them all. That doesn't mean I like the big, ornate displays with enormous snowmen or Santas. And I don't like lights that flash on and off. But, the season without lights would be very drab. It's bad enough when everything is dull and snowy for months or weeks on end. A bit of colour is a welcome sight.
5 Nov, 2009
Hear, hear, Gilli - I'll be putting out my outdoor lights on the balcony again this year (just white, no twinkling). So lovely to come home to, bright and cheery when there's no summer flowers trailing down to greet me.
5 Nov, 2009
That's OK .....each unto their own...and I agree it would be a dull place without SOME colour....I quite like seeing the trees decorated in windows...very Dickensian ....but it does get a bit like The Blackpool illuminations as each household try to outdo each other on the outside!! At least your white "rain" is supposedly like snow..LOL I fear my middle names must be Ebeneezer Scrooge!!
5 Nov, 2009
Not really, Alz, as you say, each to his own - and there is a house in the poorer part of town here that really is a sight to behold every Christmas, and not in a good way, never seen so many plastic sleighs, santas and snowmen in one place at once, but what the hell, it's just a bit of fun, isn't it really. And kids love it - there's always lots of passing sightseers there.
5 Nov, 2009
I don't mind a set of white lights twined through a tree, ah well personal taste
5 Nov, 2009
I agree, Mg. I like that, too.
I dislike the all-singing, (loudly, usually!) all dancing, all crazy inflatable Santas and reindeer etc all over a house - even on the roof - for weeks and weeks, as well. OK, if it's for charity, I can sort-of accept that, but not the 'keeping up with the Jones' attitude that prevails. :-(((((((
5 Nov, 2009
Agreed Spritz!
5 Nov, 2009
Ooooohhhhh dear....I have a confession....blush, blush....I LOVE Christmas lights....and all that glittery stuff that surrounds Christmas :)))
I start my "decorating" first week in December, and it takes me 3 weeks to get everything sorted. I have lights round my porch, lights over the arches....and permanent "fairy lights" in the back "Fairies are for life...not just for Christmas!" ;)
I do draw the line at inflatable Santas and singing reindeer though....but, if it floats your boat, then go for it, I I wish it could be Christmas every day.....HO- HO- HO! :)))))
5 Nov, 2009
Oh dear, Di! I hope none of the above has upset you! If you enjoy it, then go for it! :-))
By the way - sorry, Louise, we seem to have taken over your blog! Ooops!
5 Nov, 2009
Di hope your not offended - each to their own.
We have rather taken over the blog haven't we? Ah well at least it isn't some poor newby who would probably run away...
5 Nov, 2009
Lol....course I'm not "offended" :)))
I am a.k.a. the "Queen of Tat" don't you know? Lol :)
PS. Sorry for taking over your blog Louise xx
5 Nov, 2009
:-)))) (to Di!)
xx (to Louise!)
5 Nov, 2009
:)) xxx to all...Lol
Ps. I have a "Christmas blog" up my sleeve....;))
5 Nov, 2009
OH NO - not glitter, tinsel and singing reindeer, Di?? LOL.
5 Nov, 2009 will have to wait and see :)))
5 Nov, 2009
Yes indeed ....what a boring old world it would be if we were all the same....and as everybody quite rightly says....sorry for hijacking, Louise....guess I am the baddie this time..:<<(( At least it was a friendly interchange, folks....LOL
I'll pipe down now!!!!
5 Nov, 2009
Well I for one will be putting up some shots, at least, of Christmas/plant decor, possibly even a blog if, as I think, I'm not going away for Crimbo - something for you all to look forward to, specially you Alz, Spritz and Louise, lol;-))
5 Nov, 2009
That will be VERY welcome B......nice and peaceful and...I will be watching!!!!
5 Nov, 2009
Lol are such a "baddie" (not!! xxx)
Back to garden centres...sort of....and the fact that they are full of "Christmas tat" at this time of year. May I put forward just a little thought...?
Several years ago, I ran a Hospice Day-Care Unit. The folk I cared for were in advanced stages of terminal cancer. They would come for day care once or twice a week, for symptom control, and respite for their carers. Staying involved with "normal life" was something that many had already said goodbye to. It was part of my job to re-introduce them to "normal life", and short trips into the outside world were very therapeutic.
I bless Garden Centres....for their ease of access car parks, their cafes, their wheel chair accessability, their loos, and yes...their christmas merchandise. My patients could manage an hour or so in a garden centre, were able to choose small presents and cards, or pot plants for their loved ones....and this meant an awful lot to them. Believe me, they would not have been able to do this in the high street or shopping centre.. I have visited so many GC's at Christmas, with a group of patients and a staff of support workers, and seen the joy that such a visit can bring to folk who may be facing their last Christmas.
So from me....carry on garden centres, and thank you to all the staff who work provide such a lot to people who may not otherwise be able to cope with Christmas shopping in other environments. Us "real gardeners" will just about cope until things get back to normal in the New Year :)
PS. With another apology to
PPS. Sorry, it's taken me ages to type this, and a lot of deliberation. I really hope I haven't offended or upset anyone by my comments, that was not my intention.
5 Nov, 2009
Di, thank you... I had never thought about the gift/crimbo stuff in GC's from that angle (though I am sure it is not why the GC's do it). However I will now look a it all in a new light and smile. Offended anything but!
5 Nov, 2009
DITTO..I never thought about that but of course it makes such good sense as the facilities in GC's are usually a lot more user friendly that the high st. miles.
I too will think again about grumbling.....mind you.... do they need to start about 3 months ahead of time? Ours all do ...end of Nov and Dec....sure....I can certainly give up all/any visits to allow them all the time they want and/or have.
So thanks Di for that timely thought.
5 Nov, 2009
I agree! :-))
5 Nov, 2009
And a very merry Christmas to you all;-)))
(I can't get used to my new avatar, keep wondering who it is...)
5 Nov, 2009
You are NOT alone there B....I have to keep checking up on you!!!
5 Nov, 2009
So do I! Can't you go back to the pretty Clematis?
5 Nov, 2009
I might have to if I don't adjust soon! Just makes me feel a bit sad, cos the clematis flower looks so summery - that gladioli in the picture was only taken last week, when it was in flower.
5 Nov, 2009
Oh whooops! I thought it was Cyclamen! LOL.
5 Nov, 2009
Ha, ha - no, it's a miniature gladioli which unexpectedly popped up and flowered last week, very late indeed
5 Nov, 2009
EEEK..I thought you were reminding us to plant our Kaufmania tulips....LOL
5 Nov, 2009
Ooops I thought it was a cyclamen too...
5 Nov, 2009
Well, it is a very tiny picture, could be anything really - bigger one's in my photos
5 Nov, 2009
We're in agreement here, Bamboo, I think - we'd like your Clematis back, please! :-)))))
5 Nov, 2009
5 Nov, 2009
Okay - its a clematis, just not the same one - how's that?
5 Nov, 2009
Lovely! :-)))))))))) Thanks, Bamboo!
5 Nov, 2009
Might change it for a plastic santa later....
5 Nov, 2009
Well I preferred the original - but how can I complain as I've morphed from me to a butterfly to a siamese cat!
5 Nov, 2009
Exactly! Just fancy a change, and as everyone else is doing it, thought I would too;-)
5 Nov, 2009
Agreed :-)))
5 Nov, 2009
HA! I thought I might surprise you all and change to something totally different - maybe a snail would be appropriate, given my constant battles with them! LOL.
6 Nov, 2009
One of those big roman ones Spritz?
6 Nov, 2009
The biggest I can find, Mg!!!!
6 Nov, 2009
We had some giant economy size ones in garden earlier but they've disappeared now
6 Nov, 2009
Oh no they haven't! They are hibernating behind or beneath all the containers, frames or whatever. Anyone want to come round on Christmas Eve for an escargot supper?
6 Nov, 2009
Remember you have to put them on clean sawdust for several days to clean them out...
6 Nov, 2009
HA!!! I changed my mind....what about this one??? LOL.
6 Nov, 2009
Good toad :-)
6 Nov, 2009
Wrong creature to be waiting for a kiss from a prince, though! LOL.
6 Nov, 2009
I always thought it was a princess that did the kissing Spritz....or am I old-fashioned!!
6 Nov, 2009
Oh dear another changed avatar...
6 Nov, 2009
Not for long I I prefer the two dogs!!. But couldn't resist showing you my latest "Di says Hi" pic!!!! She looks like she is says "Heil Hitler!"
6 Nov, 2009
~ must admit to not having thought about the disabled angle in buying Christmas presents but don't think that the GC's have that in mind when they load the place up with every and anything to do with Christmas 3 months before the day!
Or maybe should be charitable and give them the benefit of the doubt!Ours does have a nice selection of cards, jam,wine and sweets etc even though I do object to the amount of room that everything takes up!
6 Nov, 2009
nb sticking with Harv!
6 Nov, 2009
At least Alz's new one is pretty close to the original - I must say, I'm finding yours a bit difficult, Spritz. Maybe I should go back to my original one after all...
6 Nov, 2009
Haha - I was only 'winding' you and Mg up, Bamboo! I'll go back to my lovely Henry asap, now you've seen the toad.
Sorry,Mg - of course it was a princess! Yet another senior moment, there. :-(
6 Nov, 2009
Oh what a relief - its amazing how quickly one associates a picture with a person - Fractal, who changes frequently, invariably catches me out...!
6 Nov, 2009
My husband raised his eyebrows at me when I told him what I was up to! I wasn't going to leave the toad on for very long - just until you and Mg had seen it! LOL.
6 Nov, 2009
Naughty Spritz...
6 Nov, 2009
Only to raise a little smile from you both, honest! ;-D
6 Nov, 2009
Okay, I forgive you... xxx
6 Nov, 2009
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All the time Louise they say what they think you want to hear. I also find the labels can be wrong too. The idea with these large chains is to sell and most staff dont know or care about the plants. I tend to go to a trusted nursery when I have specific requirements for plants.
31 Oct, 2009