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My New Garden


By mabroon


I have never done a blog before so apologies now for any errors. We moved into a new build in Oct 2011, its been hard work since then knocking the garden into shape. Our plans went a bit awry when we discovered very little topsoil but loadsa blue clay instead.
Builder had laid turf but think it was mostly to hide his misdemeanour. Garden over the winter was a swimming pool as water does not drain well through clay. Drains were dug and new turf laid but it was still wellington boot
time even in July. We now have decking and paving to try and combat the puddles. Posting photos might be an idea to show how bad it was. We started to erect a greenhouse before the first rains fell, talk about dim! Learnt a lesson, gardening is not something to be rushed.

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Hello and welcome - guessing you're new here. Let's hope you have more success this year. Last year must have been one of the worst to be trying to establish a garden. Good luck.

8 May, 2013


Thank you :) never experienced so much rain in my life.

8 May, 2013


I agree that last year was particular difficult for all gardeners in the UK, hope you get your drainage difficulties sorted so you can start enjoying your garden.

Oh and I nearly forgot, welcome to GoY, hope you start blogging regularly, I love reading about other people's gardens:)

8 May, 2013


You've done well with your first blog.
Good luck with getting the drainage sorted.. :o)

I've added this blog to GoYpedia ...
Flood and Rain Damage.

8 May, 2013


good luck for a better year this year, think it could not be as bad as last year, fingers crossed. It takes time but it will be good when you are done and can sit and relax in your garden and pat yourselves on the back.

8 May, 2013


good luck,i have clay as well its horrible,good luck and I will predict now that this year will be hot and dry(hope neverending)betty

8 May, 2013


Oh dear, I know all about clay.Still battling with it on the veg patch, over 2 years after digging it! In fat, I wrote a blog on it on here back in 2011 and modelled a pot out of it(only a rough one for a giggle) because the clay's so heavy!!!! Good luck with your garden!!

8 May, 2013


Designing a garden is also a big challenge for gardeners but it is also an exciting hobby and I'm sure that you will successful made a gorgeous garden using your ides. Good luck. You can also get Landscaping and Gardening ideas here

9 May, 2013


Good luck with your garden. I wonder how it's progressing now. Maybe you could try a few raised beds to grow plants in. It will be interesting to see how it looks now ... but you never 'finish' a garden. It always changes with the seasons :o)

9 May, 2013


Welcome to goy glad you could join us. Its always interesting to see how new gardens develop and the twists and turns of how people cope with problems, so I hope we shall have more blogs from you.

9 May, 2013


In view of the fact that its too cold to be outside tonight, I am once again playing catchup, welcome to Goy Mabroon, belated but better than not at all, lol, interesting state of affairs in your garden and one that lots of us have had a lot of experience with in the last few years, the joys of clay gardening and good old british weather, hoping by now that its sorted, lol...

17 May, 2013

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