Still roses in bloom!
By malverntrev
First entry in the diary of a very amateur gardener (but not without talent I’m told).
I decided to prune my roses this week as the high winds were forecast and I was told that they would sway about and loosen their roots. Yes I know I should have chopped them a bit a while back (I think), however I hate it when I see the experts chopping off something which is still flowering and dumping it onto the compost heap.
Anyway, I cut the stems to 50% and saved the flowers, which now look good in the kitchen. There’s even some scent. Not bad for January!
I guess the flowering of many of my garden plants has continued because the past four months have been some of the mildest on record. My local weather station has some interesting data…..
Malvern Wells Weather
5 Jan, 2012
Next post: Winter flowers cheer me up
Fab roses. Welcome to goy its a fab site with great people, enjoy.
5 Jan, 2012
its also addictive!!!!
5 Jan, 2012
Welcome from me too malverntrev, your roses are lovely. :o)
5 Jan, 2012
Hello and welcome from me, love your roses.
5 Jan, 2012
Beautiful blooms there ... and welcome to GoY from me too!
5 Jan, 2012
Lovely selection - you can almost smell them!
6 Jan, 2012
Welcome to Goy, I hope you'll love it as much as we do! Oh, and beautiful roses! It is winter where you live, isn't it?! Lol! ;0)
6 Jan, 2012
Winter but not as we know it Libet! I'm in the same county!
6 Jan, 2012
what stunning flowers. Are they perfumed, they look like they should be.
welcome to GoY from me too. :o)
6 Jan, 2012
Only the yellow one had a strong scent (its a climber) - not sure on varieties, I'm not too good on that.
9 Feb, 2012
Thank you all for your warm welcome to this site - what an interesting community!
9 Feb, 2012
hope you like it on here!!
9 Feb, 2012
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Welcome to GoY!!
Those are beautiful, what a good thing you didnt cut those down.
5 Jan, 2012