Finally got some free time
By manatou
Things have been very hectic recently but I have finally got some free time as it is much too windy to work out side, unfortunately it looks as if it will stay windy for quite a while. I would like to thank the people who commented on my photos Thank You very much. I am getting bunged up inside with plants waiting to go into my mini greenhouses. Yesterday I had 18 dozen plug plants arrive that had to be potted on, 72 each of Begonia Semperflorens Organdy MIxed, Begonia Apricot Shades and Busy Lizzie New Guinea Divine. Steragram asked which compost I had decided to use this year, well for seed sowing I have Levington Advance F1 low nutrient compost and for potting on I am trying Levington Advance M3 which is a high nutrient potting and bedding compost and also Sinclair Potting and Bedding compost these are around £15 a bag, but are really good quality and so I think they will be worth it. As for filling my containers I think I will try the New Horizon Peat Free, as I used this last year and was very pleased with it although it has been re-formulated this year hope they have made it even better.
9 Mar, 2019
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Thanks for the info Mantou - hope they produce good results for you.
9 Mar, 2019
Lots of work ahead then Manatou, and wind for bit as well here, it's howling outside
I used Levington years ago, when it first came out, one of the first peat based as opposed to JI loam ones, loved it then but I've since moved to lower cost rivals
Reformulation is a constant curse I find, one year great, next year rubbish. I find this more noticeable since move to low or no peat formulations
This year I'm using a general all purpose one from Home Bargains, 40L for 1.99, seems nice, no bits of plastic or twigs mixed in etc but time & results will tell
10 Mar, 2019
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21 Nov, 2013
I've got lots of plants going on inside too Manitou and I've got greenhouses but not heated and I'm concerned it could turn cold out there so they're staying in here for the moment.
9 Mar, 2019