The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Marionc's Profile



About me

I am a recent convert to gardening, having thought it 'boring' for most of my life ! Now I am very enthusiastic indeed and regret the years without trying this addictive and rewarding activity.
We have a long garden with plenty of space for borders and vegetable growing. I was disappointed with the relatively brief spell of varied and vibrant colour in the 'lower border'. I want to move the best plants down from the 'top border', but am not sure when it will be ok to dig them up.
Our part of Kent is quite dry and sunny for much of the time; our soil is not very impressive, but our tomato crop this year was good; 'Tigerella' was our favourite and the grandchildren want to grow some stripey tomatoes next summer. A friend recommended this site...I am looking forward to its offerings ! MarionC.

What else

Joined in Oct 2009

Country: United Kingdom

County: Kent