Just thought i would list the Fuchsia that i have obtained this year, this is the first year that i have grown Fuchsias myself as previously i had only grown Begonias in the greenhouse.
I’m going to have a go at taking cuttings, not sure which is the best time of year for Fuchsia cuttings though.
My colection started with a 3 from Thompson & Morgan, but unfortunately they were labeled wrongly and one died. The rest have come from my local B&Q and Homebase, and some that were for sale at The Shrewsbury Flower Show, also one came from a very kind GOY member that sent a cutting.
Old Somerset, Dollar Princess, Deep Purple, Swingtime, Princess of Wales, Snowburner, Rufus the red, Anita, Marcus Graham, Royal Velvet, Devonshire Dumpling, Allice Hoffman, Cecile, Beacon Rosa, Snowcap and Sunray.
A few are in 5" pots, but most in 3" pots at the moment.
29 Aug, 2008
Previous post: Just noticed a something on goy
Next post: Double Tuberous Begonias, what's happening next
Can you post some pics of the Mark?
Lynne x
29 Aug, 2008
Lynne, there are pictures in amongst my Begonia pictures of what i have at present. Some are only in small 3" pots and not in flower, some of the 5" pots aren't in flower either! There is a picture of some of the 3" pots together, and pictures of the 5" pots that are in flower. Once they grow a bit / flower i will put up some more pictures.
Hywel, I plan to keep them in pots - if i can. I have read that they are only hardy if they are in the ground - so i will have to find a space somewhere in the greenhouses, i don't know if they will be better in a heated greenhouse at 40F with the Begonias, or in an unheated greenhouse. Trial and error i suppose. Thanks for your comments, and the good luck is appreciated. Mark.
29 Aug, 2008
your begonias look great mark, they dont do well here in the orkneys though.
main thing with fucsias is they dont like atmosphere to be too dry, all the original species come from cool damp areas. they dont like too much wet either as if soil is too soggy it can rot the roots. they are mostly easy plants to care for .the main problems come from greenfly and whitefly so keep your eyes open for them. towards end of the year it pays to clear away the fallen flowers and leaves from the pots as these encourage mould which can attack the plants. i'm sure you will do well with them
30 Aug, 2008
Recent posts by marksbegonias
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- Plants moved into greenhouse
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- @ Tatton Park
22 Jul, 2010
You have a good selection there Mark. Some of them are hardy aswell which is a bonus. I leave them in the garden all winter. It saves on space. But no good if you want to take them to shows.
Pitty about the wrongly labeled ones. Good luck with growing them.
All the best, Hywel.
29 Aug, 2008