Today i received an email, I think it sounds like it could be a good idea. I’m going to follow the advice, need to do something with everything but wages going up.
Here’s what the email said:
Petrol Prices
Please see what you think and pass it on if you agree with it.
We are hitting £129.9 a litre in some areas now and soon we will be faced with paying £1.50 perlitre. So Philip Hollsworth offered this good idea:
This makes MUCH MORE SENSE than the ’don’t buy petrol on a certain day campaign’ that was going around last April or May! The oil companies just laughed at that because they knew we wouldn’t continue to hurt ourselves by refusing to buy petrol. It was more of an inconvenience to us than it was a problem for them. BUT, whoever thought of this idea, has come up with a plan that can really work.
Please read it and join in!
Now that the oil companies and the OPEC nations have conditioned us to think that the cost of a litre is CHEAP, we need to take aggressive action to teach them that BUYERS – not sellers control the market place. With the price of petrol going up more each day, we consumers need to take action. The only way we are going to see the price of petrol come down is if we hit someone in the pocket by not purchasing their petrol! And we can do that WITHOUT hurting ourselves. Here’s the idea:
For the rest of this year DON’T purchase ANY petrol from the two biggest oil companies (which now are one) i.e. ESSO and BP.
If they are not selling any petrol, they will be inclined to reduce their prices. If they reduce their prices, the other companies will have to follow suit. But to have an impact we need to reach literally millions of Esso and BP petrol buyers. It’s really simple to do!!
Now, don’t wimp out on me at this point… keep reading and I’ll explain how simple it is to reach millions of people!!
I am sending this note to a lot of people. If all of you send it to at least ten more (30 × 10 = 300)….and those 300 send it to at least ten more (300 × 10 = 3,000) … and so on. By the time the message reaches the sixth generation of people, we will have reached over THREE MILLION consumers! If those three million get excited and pass this on to ten friends each, then 30 million people will have been contacted! If it goes one level further, you guessed it……
Again, all YOU have to do is send this to 10 people. That’s all (and not buy at ESSO/BP). How long would all that take? If each of us sends this email out to ten more people within one day of receipt, all 300 MILLION people could conceivably be contacted within the next 8 days!!! Acting together we can make a difference. If this makes sense to you, please pass this message on.
PLEASE HOLD OUT UNTIL THEY LOWER THEIR PRICES It’s easy to make this happen. Just forward this email, and buy your petrol at Shell,Asda,Tesco, Sainsburys, Morrisons, Jet etc. i.e. Boycott BP and Esso
22 Jan, 2011
Previous post: Plants moved into greenhouse
well as my brother works for BP and he has a wife and 2 kids to support I couldnt put him out of work. If a petrol station isnt selling enough it gets shut down.
22 Jan, 2011
Seaburngirl, as Cameron is going to make the uk the greenest ever makes me wonder if he has in mind to do away with petrol driven cars eventually, as if you are all up on technology info you will learn already the japs are experimenting with electric cars and have got stations already built, in order for them to recharge as new electric cars have now been made to go futher. So if this is the way they will go and your brother works at a petrol station perhaps he will still keep a job being experienced in stations.
Also Mark I find it funny that BP has gone with the USSR and that is where Nick Cleggs family comes from as his father was a royal of Russia.
22 Jan, 2011
I had no idea that Nick Cleggs family came from Russia.
I think i would be worried that an electric car would run flat while i was out, to charge a battery takes an age.
I would hope they could make a vehile with some sort of charger on it that would charge it up as it went, or something.
Trouble is the cost of a new vehicle. We still need to get to work until these vehicles are about and prices come down enough for people with less money than the rich can afford to buy.
22 Jan, 2011
There are already electric charging points for cars in London - just not enough of them yet. I've taken another option - I'm choosing to not use my car every day, and tying in various minor journeys so I don't use it that often. I can't help feeling the less petrol we use, the better, for the environment, though I realise there aren't enough cheaper alternatives in the electric/lpg market yet. I'm very sorry to see the West London extension of the congestion charge gone - our air here was somewhat improved whilst it was in place.
And can I just say I don't see the relevance of Nick Clegg's ancestry to anything much at all, never mind oil companies. Most people in Britain are mongrels anyway, with ancestors from various parts of Europe and Scandinavia, even if they're unaware of it, as revealed by DNA sampling in various parts of the UK when they were looking for Celtic DNA. Found that only in parts of Ireland and further reaches of Scotland - everywhere else was a real mix. I'm in no doubt BP have allied with Russia because they've got oil, and there's not much left in the world.
22 Jan, 2011
It certainly sounds a good idea, Mark, and I'm happy to continue to buy my petrol from Sainsbury's (and get Nectar points!), but I do wonder . . . from whom do they buy THEIR petrol??
22 Jan, 2011
Good point, Sheilabub - can't get hold of my sister who used to work for BP, but I've a horrible feeling Tesco petrol comes out of BP's supply depot... but it is cheaper, wherever it comes from, and I think that's Mark's point.
22 Jan, 2011
my brother works for BP not in a petrol station. the electricity comes from power stations so not that green either, if you think of it.
22 Jan, 2011
saisburys is 1p cheaper than tesco here asda's the cheapest
22 Jan, 2011
Asda is a usa company belonging to WallMart and I would nt give them any thing as they bring poverty to the peoples towns shops in towns all closed no jobs etc. so I ve been told from the Americans I chat to.
22 Jan, 2011
:o)) Seaburngirl like I said to Mark the oil companies own along with half a dozen big fat cats and control the world. They own companies you would nt think of housing for one not only electric companies also oap homes another much more, now how do I know all this I wonder. So you see green or not we have no choice, our faults for encouraging them to be greedy not sticking to gether as a nation, hence like immergrants stick together which I admire them for.
22 Jan, 2011
Ha ha Hate to say this, but tesco's and Sainsbury's lorrys all pull into SHELL HAVEN to fill up......seen it for myself so probably others do to......
22 Jan, 2011
BRITISH GAS is owned by the GERMANS!!!
That's why I switched, out of allegience to my late friend Derek.
23 Jan, 2011
I think the best way is that everyboby stop buying things, and only buy the bear minimum,it's the land of plenty !! Back to the war day's, we are in a world of most have's
23 Jan, 2011
This is what I have done all my life instead of making rich men richer Jiffy, I have had stuff for my home from skips other peoples rubbish is another mans treasure, or car boots, jumble sales, there is no need for half of what people buy, my treats have been plants cheap from shops but mainly cuttings or given.
Your idea is good but how many will follow it unless its placed on some thing like face book to see the out come. People should study who owns what here and try best to bycote it all. The institution is clever they set man against man then while we are all moaning or fighting between one another, as thats what Brits do they are placing things in motion behind our backs which make it hard for us as a nation to get rid of, then before you know it this is what it comes to.
Dont forget how they lead the jews to slaughter they lead them to a make believe world, like us now with tv eg the x factor, games to keep most in as the police would nt be able to control the streets. Cameras which they tried on Americans they themselves told me they smashed every one, the cameras were used in the 70s to spy on the eastern block and then followed people like here with our councils not used for its purpose.
Here is a link for you all to see. Think when watching no loans to our small businesses from the banks, which insurence companies have their hands in, if you ask for a loan the bank has to have the ok off the insurence companies first, police being taken away, it all fits this information and video by one of our parties.
Chatting in recent past all over the world the UK is the laughing stock of the world now no longer admired but hated.
23 Jan, 2011
True True 6d
I've always saved for a rainey day now friends say it's or right for you, now times are a little harder.
We have sold out to the EU
23 Jan, 2011
So what did you think Jiffy to the link, and video and information on it where we are heading, makes sense does nt it on why we never got the world cup and Russia did.
I am so pleased you saved for a rainy day but don't tell the goverment they will find away of getting off you like all others who gets taxed on savings, also all peoples money lost only 35.000 insured, so whos got all that money people lost the banks or insurence companies, some one has it, they have done a good job, stopping the hard worker ever getting rich have nt they is there some thing in that too.
23 Jan, 2011
It's not do as I do, but do as I say.
I done nowt wrong, now in jail.
Spin spin spin
Sit on the fence which side should i go????
You tickell my back, i'll tickell your's
23 Jan, 2011
Your so right there, people on radio are asking why so few been imprisoned as there was so many, are the ones put in Jail doing time for others, I wonder what they will get when they come out a book! story paid by Masons who own the press like Geofery ARcher and make thousands out of it all.
23 Jan, 2011
I really didn't expect so many comments.
Interesting to read other people's views.
I generally get fuel from the supermarket, but i did use ESSO from time to time. Now i will stick with the supermarket, it's cheaper there anyway. No idea where the supermarket get their fuel from, it must be an oil company.
I do try to use the car less these days, but i do need to use it sometimes. I need it for work if i am working elsewhere, but usually i will walk. I need it for a supermarket shop, or to get to town, or to see family. Living in a village, the public transport is very poor. But i have been using the car less.
I don't think there is global warming that's just a way of taxing us more. Weather warming, and cooling, is part of a natural cycle. But i do believe that the less polution, the better.
I look forward to a vehicle becoming affordable that produces no, or at least less, polution.
23 Jan, 2011
Thats it Mark if they did nt let the supermarkets take over and end up the ittle shops having to close because they could nt compete, which use to supply us all with fresh food and the markets, then we would nt need a car it would all of been local, we could of done, like we use to buy daily no cars needed then and food would be fresher too. Just think I am in my 50s, in the late 80s, I had no fridge nor feezer just a cold slab which kept it all fresh. Living in the country you could years ago get most off the farmer too.
23 Jan, 2011
Well i dont have any problems with petrol, as i can't drive and dont have a car...
23 Jan, 2011
I do shop at the local village shop, but i have to use the supermarket every now and then to stock up with what i can't get at the village shop.
23 Jan, 2011
:o)) as you live in countryside, have you not got a farm which grows its own fresh veg etc, yes I know what you mean about having to go to supermarket we all do just saying years ago we did nt as it was all local.
23 Jan, 2011
I had to go into the local high street a couple of weeks ago, because my wife's mobile phone packed up.
As part of the conversation, the shop assistant asked me when I last came down the high street.
I expect she was trying to ascertain when would be the most convenient time to pick up the new phone.
"Er, now let me think" I said, in a rather hesitant fashion.
"Er . . . I think . . . . no . . . . wait a minute . . . er . . . .. oh yes, I remember . . . . .. . . .it was April last year!!!"
The poor dear nearly fainted.
"Well," I said, "This bobble hat I found lying in the road; the fleece I found lying over a brick wall; I've had the T-shirt for 24 years, the all-terrain trousers I've worn for the last 15 years, and the shoes were my Uncle's, and he died in 1983. What do I need to come to the High Street for?"
Short cutting the remaining story, I told her to forget the phone, and I walked back the remaining 3 1/2 miles back home across the fields.
This blog reminded me that the last time I went to a supermarket myself, was in the 1970's, when a FineFare shop opened in the High Street. Now, I get most of my eating produce from local farms and restaurants. The food I eat can't be that bad, as the other day some guy thought I was 10 years younger than I actually am!!!
I didn't tell him that with all the walking I do, he'd look younger too - - - - - or dead!!!!!
23 Jan, 2011
Lol Jason good for you, and love the bit about looking younger and him would too or dead, how right you are, that people have become lazy this is why there is so many illness here lack of exersise.
23 Jan, 2011
Too true Sixpence - I remember a few weeks ago, just before Christmas, remarking to some guy at the bus stop, how unusual it was to see someone that time of day, waiting for a bus. He said that he had to get up extra early that day because his boss was getting married, and he usually caught the 8am bus to be in by 9am.
"I suppose you finish at 5pm too?" I asked.
"Yes," he replied, "I'm going to be totally exhausted by the end of the day" he added.
I didn't have the heart to tell him that every day for me starts at 4am and doesn't finish until 9pm, and I don't have any sit on my backside commuting!!!
What with no holidays, no Bank Holidays, no time off work at all, I think the townies have got a long way to go before they half realise what a good day's work really is.
Strewth - - - - they even have lunchtimes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
24 Jan, 2011
You must enjoy your job, if you enjoy your job it's not like work really. I used to have a job like that, and i used to enjoy going into work.
I have worked on a farm, too, years ago, that was long hours. Not as long as yours, mind. But you must be working for yourself to be working that many hours as it's not allowed under EU law, or so i was informed by my employer.
I do remember when i was a youngster in the village my parents lived there was a butcher as well as the 2 shops.
Where i am now there is the main co-op and a shop that sells fresh veg, and some meat. It's a good shop, but it's a gamble as to whether it's open when i'm not working as i work shifts, i do use both and the hardware store in the village. I think that for a village we are lucky to have as many shops as we have. But i do still need some things i can't get, and will stock up with some less expensive items while i'm there.
As for town, there is a poor public transport service. Parking is expensive in town, i don't think the council want people to use the town centre, most can be got from the outskirts of the town from the supermarkets and DIY stores...
24 Jan, 2011
Ooh, Jason, you must be thinking of last century - people working in offices in cities don't have lunchbreaks, well, some of the managers and upwards do - the last time I worked as a part time PA (15 years ago) I never had time for lunch, though in theory I had an hour - that hour was always spent dropping crumbs over the keyboard and phone, typing and making calls whilst eating, and often being shouted at because something wasn't ready yet... Fings ain't wot they used to be in offices, let me tell you - we used, 25 years ago, to have a proper lunch break, even go out for lunch, and have time for a ten minute chat here and there. Not any more, you're at that desk from when you get there to when you leave (usually an hour late) and still leaving piles of work behind... drove me mad, I was more exhausted and stressed than ever I was at full time gardening. Specially then having to go home and help with homework and cook dinner and wash up and do the laundry...
24 Jan, 2011
I take your point Bamboo, and understand your stance, but I am one for looking at the evidence of countless cafe's and fast food outlets, sandwich bars and chippies, crammed full of people every lunchtime, never mind the "grab 'n go" convenience stores. Add to that the myriad of restaurant pubs, where car parks are crammed full at lunchtimes, and whilst the likes of me and you are not frequenting them, plenty of people do - obviously. Even many fish and chip shops have queues at lunchtimes.
Even in the good old days, when I had 20 minutes to take the dogs for a walk and eat my lunch, I remember folk on flexi time, taking their full hour for lunch, as though it was their divine entitlement.
When I worked in what most would perceive as a 8.30am - 4.00pm job, I started at 5.45am, and finished at 6pm, on a salary, where no extra was paid for extra hours, purely and simply because, I loved my job.
Now-a-days, people only seem to do what they are paid to do, as if, "is there any other way?".
24 Jan, 2011
Not sure that's only a modern phenomenon, Jason - don't forget, most people work to live, and may not necessarily be thrilled on a daily basis by what they do. I spend hours and hours gardening, some of it unpaid, because I love it, but had to do some office work to make ends meet, which I do not love at all, like most people. I think people who love what they do, and are able to actually earn a reasonable, or manageable living from doing it, are rare indeed. My son's a musician - but he earns his living working for a web host company, for instance.
24 Jan, 2011
I'm thinking about all those people commuting from A to B. Then I am thinking about all those other people who are commuting from B to A.
Why? Uh?
Same goes for jobs.
You only have one life, but you do have everything available to you, simply because it is available to someone.
25 Jan, 2011
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Hi Mark I do buy my petrol from Tesco but there is a few things you should know that BP has a lot to do with uk investment and our pensions, also I wonder how many people know that super unleaded petrol is cancer causing agents in it, so bad for us but good for the earth. I can recall not so many years ago over the front page on an increase in people suffering with asthma which doctors at the time stated was from the traffic fumes especially busses lorries etc.
When our petrol started to rise is when we pulled out of getting it from USSR and went with the USA now BP has gone back to USSR, I recall in the mid 70s petrol was hang on for it 35p a gallon, which I don't think prices will drop as the corporations of this world have got greedy since the 70s. Also remember it is only half a dozen of big fat cats that control this world.
Oil companies not only owns oil companies, they own our oaps homes work for the mod etc they just put it under different names like a big tree with branches comming of the original tree so we don't click they have a monopoly. So be careful when any one out there changes jobs of what you say about your previous employer as it might be the same one.
22 Jan, 2011