This morning i received a book through the post from Blackmore and Langdon – “Specialist growers and breeders of Beginias and Delphiniums”. Usually i have only looked at the Begonias in their booklet because Delphiniums tend to be 5ft-6ft, far too tall. But today i noticed that they have some “Dwarf Delphiniums”, the smallest of which is only 3ft – A beautiful blue called “Cupid”. Some of the taller Begoinias are listed as 3ft. As there are no blue Double Tuberous Begonias, i thought it would add a different colour amongst my Begonias. I don’t know anything about Delphiniums, yet, so i decided to order one to see what it looked like, and to experiment with growing it.
I see they have a new Begonia for 2009 called “Olivia” which looks a lovely colour,and it says that it has a fragrance. There don’t look to be enough petals on the bloom though to make a good show plant, of course it could just be a picture of a bad bloom. One i ordered this year called “John Smith” has a poor picture in the booklet, i would never have ordered it from that picture but when i looked at their web site there was a brilliant picture of “John Smith”, and i was curious as it is supposed to have a fragrance – Begonias don’t normally have a fragrance. Also “Melissa” looks purple in the book, but the actual bloom is pink with a pale centre. I suppose that shows that the picture can’t always be an accurate guide!
20 Mar, 2008
Previous post: Interesting! & plants arrived
Next post: Trying something different this year.
I have visited a couple of times, but not for a couple of years now. Rosemary Langdon did come to The Shrewsbury Flower Show regularly, but they haven't been to Shrewsbury for a few years now.
A lot of my Best Begonias have come from B&L. This year Midas, Jean Blair, Tequilla Sunrise, and John Smith are all in the propagator. Now "Cupid" Dwarf Delphinium has been ordered! I find their stock good quility.
20 Mar, 2008
I tried 'googling' them but the two entries have warnings that they might harm my computer and wouldn't connect. Does this happen to you? I would quite like to look at their catalogue. Might even trek up there!
21 Mar, 2008
Hi Mark
I enjoy reading your Begonia blog as a keen newer grower myself in Northern Ireland. I too received B&L's new catalogue and like you, thought that their new introduction Olivia would not win many prizes as it looked very sparse of petals.
I am growing Tequila Sunrise for the first time this year too from B&L, at last it has decided to produce sprouts after being on heat for several weeks.
I had actually ordered Mia but they were not able to supply it due to a crop failure so I took TS instead at 30 quid!. I know it makes a good cut bloom, but I am more interested in pots, do you know if it makes a good pot plant?. Someone told me that Mia is not as good as Coppelia which looks quite similar and I have a tuber of that one.
21 Mar, 2008
Geoffp - I'm afreaid this will be my first year of growing Tequila Sunrise. I had also ordered Mia, but was informed that they couldn't supply it - left the order in place for nect year. I have never grown Coppelia myself, but it does look a nice plant (i have seen it on the show bench). I have only grown pot plants, to date, but i am considering growing a few to enter a cut bloom class.
21 Mar, 2008
Spritzhenry - I have Blackmore and Langdons site bookmarked on my computer, but unfortunately yesterday and today their site is not coming up, it just comes up as "error" unsure why, their site has been ok in the past. As their booklet had come through the post i sent my order off for the Dwarf Delphinium through the post. The postal address is: Blackmore & Langdon Ltd, Stanton Nursery, Pensford, Bristol, BS39 4JL. Tel:01275 332300.
21 Mar, 2008
Spritzhenry - I have Blackmore and Langdons site bookmarked on my computer, but unfortunately yesterday and today their site is not coming up, it just comes up as "error" unsure why, their site has been ok in the past. As their booklet had come through the post i sent my order off for the Dwarf Delphinium through the post. The postal address is: Blackmore & Langdon Ltd, Stanton Nursery, Pensford, Bristol, BS39 4JL. Tel:01275 332300.
21 Mar, 2008
Whats going on? I typed a comment and clicked onto submit. The little arrows went round and around for ages, i thought they would never stop. Therefore i clicked on the refresh button - Hey presto, there are two copies of my comment must be magic! (i really don't understand computers, they seem to have a mind of their own).
21 Mar, 2008
That has happened to me, too! Frustrating, isn't it. Thanks for the info on Blackmore & Langdon.
21 Mar, 2008
Have always been a fan of B&L having bought several corms over the years and been highly satisfied. My daughter-in-law always admired my begonia baskets so decided I would order six of their yellow ground picotee and surprise her for her birthaday.Imagine my surprise on seeing the baskets to find that out of the six only 2 resemble the picotee ordered. I have emailed B&L but as yet they don't seem to be interested. Goodbye B&L nil stars.
30 Aug, 2013
That's interesting. I've had a similar experience, on more than one occasion from Thompson & Morgan. I've used Bellcross nurseries, and Fibrex nurseries more than B&L recently - better prices - and it sounds like a better service now too...
30 Aug, 2013
Recent posts by marksbegonias
- Prices
22 Jan, 2011
- Plants moved into greenhouse
1 Dec, 2010
- Shutting down and planning for 2011
28 Nov, 2010
- Shrinking Shrewsbury Flower Show!
11 Sep, 2010
- email from Shrewsbury show!
25 Jul, 2010
- @ Tatton Park
22 Jul, 2010
Blackmore and Langdons nursery is situated close to Bristol, and is well worth a visit if you are close to this area. They have won numerous gold medals over many years at various flower shows including Chelsea. Their Delphiniums and Begonias are superb.
They will be supplying Delphiniums for our colour themed display this summer when we open for The National Gardens Scheme.
20 Mar, 2008